Showing 164331 - 164340 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516204004 R0104217 FREEBURG CHRISTOPHER W 5590 TEJON ST Residential BDP10-1409 BDP17-2780 BDP19-1941 BDP20-0315 VIO2007-55713 VIO2015-02856 VIO2019-00684 VIO2022-02881
0182516204013 R0104219 GONZALES MARY-EUGENIA AND GONZALES RACHEL ANN 5474 TEJON ST Residential BDP17-1616
0182516204014 R0104220 MARTIN-PROCTOR AUNDREA N AND MARTIN-PROCTOR GARRETT R 5464 TEJON ST Residential BDL14-00682 BDL14-01003 BDP14-1506 BDP17-2060 UTL2015-00394
0182516204015 R0104221 TRUJILLO RUSSELL 5454 TEJON ST Residential BDP11-1481 CEC2013-00389 VIO2000-22248 VIO2003-36327 VIO2013-00609 VIO2013-01223 VIO2019-01689 VIO2019-01885 VIO2023-00119 VIO2023-00187
0182516204016 R0104222 JORDAN JOHANNES M 5444 TEJON ST Residential BDP01-01134 BDP09-2251 UTL2018-00442 VIO2000-23079
0182516204017 R0104223 VARELA GENEVIEVE G 5434 TEJON ST Residential BDP00-00591 BDP16-4495 BDP17-3193 VIO2014-02170
0182516204018 R0104224 FERRARO ASSUNTA Residential
0182516204019 R0104225 SCHNEIDER ROBERT RYAN 5424 TEJON ST Residential BDP17-4342 CEC2015-00365 UTL2022-00457 VIO2006-49268 VIO2015-01539
0182516204020 R0104226 SANCHEZ RAYMOND E AND SANCHEZ BETTY J 5414 TEJON ST Residential BDC03-00315 VIO2003-36980 VIO2003-36982 VIO2003-36983 VIO2003-36984
0182516204021 R0104227 HARO DOLORES M 5404 TEJON ST Residential SWA2013-00247

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