Showing 951 - 960 of 163251 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156701402004 R0146067 BRAZZELL BRIAN J AND BRAZZELL SARA JANE 16360 UMPIRE ST Residential BDL05-00004 BDL05-00409 BDL07-00041 BDP05-0603 BDP07-0095 BDP10-4145 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2005-00002 VIO2024-00088
0156701402005 R0146066 HENDERSHOTT BRIAN W 16380 UMPIRE ST Residential BDL05-00404 BDP05-1089 BDP17-5618 BDP18-0175 ILD2022-00013 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2005-00213
0156701402006 R0146065 CUMMINS BRANDON AND CUMMINS HILLARY 16400 UMPIRE ST Residential BDL05-00505 BDL12-00358 BDP05-1088 BDP05-1873 BDP12-1276 BDP17-6091 BDP19-2975 CLV2015-00031 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2005-00267
0156701402007 R0146064 LIVESAY DAVID AND LIVESAY ASHLEY 16420 UMPIRE ST Residential BDL05-00506 BDL13-00676 BDL15-00919 BDP05-1359 BDP13-2004 BDP15-2212 EXG1993-00001 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2005-00291
0156701403001 R0146076 AGUILAR RENE ARNANDO CADENA Residential
0156702201001 R0121535 ADAME GERALD AND ADAME PHYLLIS A 16751 IREDELL ST Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL02-00226 BDP01-00018 BDP02-0750 BDP10-2139 PUD2002-00016 ROW2001-00886 ROW2002-00245 VIO2004-41448 VIO2007-56316
0156702201002 R0121534 CANADAY TIM MICHAEL AND CANADAY CAYHERINE MARIE 29989 E 167TH PL Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL10-00438 BDP01-02839 BDP10-2926 BDP10-4381 BDP14-1309 PLT2008-00031 ROW2002-00268
0156702201003 R0121533 BRINK DALE H AND BRINK JENNIFER M 29909 E 167TH PL Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL02-00275 BDP02-0902 BDP04-2058 BDP17-2750 ROW2002-00214 VIO2008-58729
0156702201004 R0121532 HOWARD STASIA Y AND LUJAN DARRYL R 29849 E 167TH PL Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL02-00210 BDP02-0574 BDP10-4400 BDP19-3636 ROW2002-00163 VIO2003-36698 VIO2004-40908 VIO2009-61888
0156702201005 R0121531 SCOTT TONY A 29759 E 167TH PL Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL02-00211 BDP02-0575 BDP10-3984 BDP10-4699 BDP19-3086 ROW2002-00162 VIO2004-40906 VIO2009-61886 VIO2016-00762

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