Showing 881 - 890 of 163262 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156701301008 R0146072 SCHAMAUN KEVIN DELL AND DESJARDIN SHONDA LEE 16281 TIMBER COVE ST Residential BDL05-00118 BDL05-00826 BDL14-00461 BDP05-0449 BDP05-1631 BDP10-3175 BDP14-1197 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2005-00086
0156701301009 R0146071 BOLIN DONOVAN A AND FRANCK TARA L 16261 TIMBER COVE ST Residential BDL05-00117 BDL11-00293 BDP05-0448 BDP10-2750 BDP11-1654 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2005-00078
0156701302001 R0138361 EMMEL SHANNON 16370 TIMBER COVE ST Residential BDC14-00068 BDL02-00882 BDL04-00528 BDP03-1002 BDP04-1170 BDP10-1742 BDP19-3401 EXG1993-00001 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2002-00867 ROW2004-00508 VIO2014-01002
0156701302002 R0138362 WELLBROCK DENNIS G AND WELLBROCK THERESA C 16350 TIMBER COVE ST Residential BDL03-00408 BDL03-00675 BDP03-1076 BDP03-1913 BDP09-0885 BDP10-2309 PUD2003-00009 PUD2019-00014 ROW2003-00224 ROW2003-00326 ROW2006-00014
0156701303001 R0163971 MELTON BRET AND MELTON JENNIFER 31353 E 163RD AVE Residential ACC2019-00070 ACC2019-00132 BDP18-0867 BDP19-3255 CLV2018-00052 PUD2007-00013 PUD2019-00013 PUD2019-00014
0156701303002 R0163972 HALE LORI LYNN 31393 E 163RD AVE Residential BDC21-00026 BDL15-00507 BDP15-1408 CLV2015-00177 PUD2007-00013 PUD2019-00014 VIO2020-00397 VIO2021-00126
0156701303003 R0163973 TETER CHAD D AND TETER CHRISTY L 16315 QUEENSVIEW ST Residential ACC2019-00001 ACC2019-00042 BDP18-4464 BDP19-1540 BDP21-1334 CLV2018-00152 PUD2007-00013 PUD2019-00014 UTL2024-00571
0156701303004 R0163974 DE LA GARZA NEYRA IRENE 16335 QUEENSVIEW ST Residential BDP16-2013 CLV2016-00223 PUD2007-00013 PUD2019-00014
0156701303005 R0163975 DIGHERO GLENN D 16355 QUEENSVIEW ST Residential BDL15-00244 BDP15-1141 BDP17-1902 BDP18-0770 BDP18-4583 BDP18-5862 BDP20-1119 BDP20-3476 CLV2015-00071 PUD2007-00013 PUD2019-00014
0156701304001 R0163967 EDWARDS AUSTIN AND EDWARDS EVANGELINE 31320 E 163RD AVE Residential BDL14-00576 BDP14-1423 BDP19-1947 BDP19-3062 BDP19-3064 CLV2014-00090 PUD2007-00013 PUD2019-00008 PUD2019-00014

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