Showing 61 - 70 of 6774 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517202007 R0104856 WROCK LLC 5545 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial ACT2024-00081 BDC05-00273 BDC20-00076 BDC24-00115 BDC25-00002 BDP10-3259 BDP16-2412 BDP17-5019 BDP24-2490 UTL2018-00587 UTL2019-00623 VIO2017-01253 VIO2019-01565 VIO2019-01566 VIO2020-00808 VIO2021-00328 VIO2021-01313
0182511308013 R0103756 WRIGHT KEVIN E AND WRIGHT LORRAINE S 5981 MARION DR Commercial 1972-055 BDC22-00132 BDP01-01178 BDP19-2257 BDP22-3445 HST2010-01265 ILD2016-00234 PRE2001-00142 UTL2009-00071 UTL2014-00385 VIO2000-19785 VIO2001-24025
0171927119004 R0141068 WRCN LLC C/O TBC TAX NO.021274 8401 WASHINGTON ST, THORNTON CO Commercial ANX1967-00005
0171911405022 R0204250 WPMO INVESTMENTS LLC 2205 104TH AVE, NORTHGLENN CO Commercial
0171934402015 R0070622 WPC-CORPORATE I LLC 500 E 76TH AVE Commercial 1972-213-A 1973-116-PU 1973-202-A 1988-066-AP 1995-130-ZC BDP00-00409 BDP00-01824 BDP01-00489 BDP02-2008 BDP99-02359 BDP99-02920 HST2010-00994 UTL2014-00355 VIO2017-02090
0171934402016 R0070623 WPC-CORPORATE I LLC 550 E 76TH AVE Commercial 1973-116-PU 1988-066-AP 1995-130-ZC BDC12-00115 BDL12-00528 BDL13-00243 BDP12-1794 BDP13-1022 BDP19-3831 BDP24-0036 HST2010-00994
0171934402017 R0070624 WPC-CORPORATE I LLC 460 E 76TH AVE Commercial SGN2007-00023 1988-066-AP UTL2016-00273 1995-130-ZC BDC07-00074 BDC08-00116 BDL07-00147 BDL13-00189 BDP00-02594 BDP07-0468 BDP13-0825 BDP19-3832 HST2010-00994 SGN2007-00022
0171934402018 R0070625 WPC-CORPORATE I LLC 470 E 76TH AVE Commercial 1988-066-AP 1995-130-ZC BDL14-01001 BDP05-0773 HST2010-00994 SGN2012-00030
0171934402019 R0070626 WPC-CORPORATE I LLC 480 E 76TH AVE Commercial 1988-066-AP 1995-130-ZC BDC16-00130 BDL06-00119 BDL13-00587 BDP00-00221 BDP06-0237 BDP06-1457 BDP13-1833 BDP14-0214 BDP16-3456 BDP18-2075 BDP18-2285 BDP19-0883 BDP19-2512 BDP23-2983 HST2010-00994 SGN2005-00052 SGN2009-00009 SGN2012-00010 SGN2013-00026
0182126004001 R0083953 WPC-ABC LLC 20901 E 32ND PKWY, AURORA CO Commercial ANX1973-00006

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