Showing 6771 - 6774 of 6774 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518230004 R0105455 AUTUMN SKY LLC 4407 W 52ND AVE Commercial 1995-070-LL BDI12-0002 BDL06-00833 BDP04-1386 BDP07-0406 BDP12-0271 BDP17-1229 BDP17-3117 BDP19-0975 BND2007-00002 PLN2021-00011 VIO2007-55955 VIO2007-55956 VIO2007-56446 VIO2007-56447
0182518230005 R0105456 52ND AVENUE INVESTMENTS LLC 4405 W 52ND AVE Commercial 1999-092-LL BDP01-00066 BDP01-00428 BDP05-0597 BDP13-0620 BDP17-2964 BDP17-4781 BDP24-2028 LIQ2000-00092 LIQ2001-00104 LIQ2002-00113 LIQ2003-00009 LIQ2003-00026 LIQ2003-00058 LIQ2004-00045 LIQ2005-00026 LIQ2006-00017 LIQ2007-00014 LIQ2008-00008 LIQ2009-00019 LIQ2010-00015 LIQ2011-00029 LIQ2012-00020 LIQ2013-00025 LIQ2014-00017 LIQ2015-00017 LIQ2016-00010 LIQ2017-00038 LIQ2018-00027 LIQ2019-00031 LIQ2020-00023 LIQ2021-00026 LIQ2022-00021 LIQ2023-00014 LIQ2024-00013 LIQ2025-00018 LIR2024-00044 PLN2021-00011 VIO2005-43236 VIO2005-43237
0182518231003 R0105460 READY MIXED CONCRETE COMPANY Commercial 1973-039-Z-P 1994-050-S 1996-194-C PLN2021-00011 PRE2005-00051
0182518231006 R0105461 READY MIXED CONCRETE COMPANY 5550 SHERIDAN BLVD Commercial 1973-039-Z-P 1985-096-A 1996-194-C 1996-217-C BDL07-00367 BDL13-00675 BDL14-00693 BDP00-01406 BDP13-1446 BDP14-1615 BDP16-2630 BDP18-2503 BDP21-2492 ECI2021-00015 ECI2021-00026 ECI2024-00009 ECI2024-00027 EGR2017-00001 PLN2021-00011 PRE2005-00051 PRE2013-00046 RCU2007-00034 RCU2017-00014 VIO2016-02219 WET2007-00025 WET2013-00029 WET2015-00020 WET2017-00003

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