Showing 6641 - 6650 of 6774 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182515102007 R0104025 5500 PENNSYLVANIA LLC 5500 PENNSYLVANIA ST Commercial 1974-077-A BDP10-0719 BDP10-0757 BDP17-4809 ROW2006-00062 UTL2015-00274 VIO2003-35681 VIO2003-35682 VIO2018-00746 VIO2018-00880
0182515102018 R0104027 LOBATO KATHLEEN SUE 5501 PEARL ST Commercial BDC11-00177 BDP16-2125 HST2010-00775 HST2010-01132 ILD2024-00005 UTL2017-00197 UTL2019-00425 UTL2020-00115 VIO2006-48998 VIO2017-00528
0182515102019 R0104028 POTTS F F AND POTTS BARBARA A 5549 PEARL ST Commercial
0182515102020 R0104029 POTTS FREDRICK F AND POTTS BARBARA A 5569 PEARL ST Commercial VIO2017-00529
0182515103002 R0104030 CHRISTENSON DONALD P AND CHRISTENSON ROSEMARY 5550 LOGAN ST Commercial 1994-143-V BDL07-00273 BDP07-1073 BDP08-0459 HST2010-00597 HST2010-00720 UTL2020-00552 VIO1999-17750 VIO2017-00531 VIO2019-01856
0182515103011 R0104038 DAWSON 434 LLC 434 E 56TH AVE Commercial 1973-075-SV HST2009-00017 HST2010-01798 VIO1997-6759 VIO1999-16518 VIO2001-26644 VIO2001-26645
0182515104004 R0104041 GRAND VINCENT HOLDINGS LLC THE 50% UND INT TOM COOK & ASSOCIATES LLC 50% UND INT 387 E 55TH AVE Commercial BDC19-00086 BDC20-00023 BDC21-00011 BDC24-00054 BDC25-00003 BDP20-0568 BDP21-0476 BDP22-1604 HST2009-00336 RCU2003-00033 VIO2001-25768 VIO2001-25783 VIO2019-01641 VIO2021-00070
0182515104005 R0104042 INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK 55TH LLC 5545 GRANT ST Commercial
0182515104006 R0104043 INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK 55TH LLC 391 E 55TH AVE Commercial
0182515104007 R0104044 INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK 55TH LLC 393 E 55TH AVE Commercial BDC02-00075 BDL03-00428 BDP03-1534 VIO2002-28319 VIO2002-28320

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