Showing 6621 - 6630 of 6774 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182505207006 R0100007 WESTMINSTER STATION TOD LLC 3440 W 71ST PL, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1955-00003
0182505207009 R0100008 WESTMINSTER STATION TOD LLC Commercial 1952-025 ANX1955-00003
0171917316003 R0045699 WESTMINSTER WISHBONE INC 9701 FEDERAL BLVD, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial SGN1967-219 SGN1968-213 SGN1968-214 SGN1969-229 SGN1969-230 SGN1970-063 SGN2009-00017 SGN2009-00018 SGN2009-00019
0171930223009 R0124386 WESTPARK IV LLC C/O JAMIESON ST JOHN 8461 TURNPIKE DR, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1985-00028
0171930223008 R0124387 WESTPARK IV LLC C/O JAMIESON ST JOHN 8471 TURNPIKE DR, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1985-00028
0171930223007 R0125404 WESTPARK IV LLC C/O JAMIESON ST JOHN 8501 TURNPIKE DR, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1985-00028
0171930223006 R0125405 WESTPARK IV LLC C/O JAMIESON ST JOHN 8601 TURNPIKE DR, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1985-00028
0182335428005 R0097742 WETTSTEIN HENRY 11703 E COLFAX AVE, AURORA CO Commercial
0182511308007 R0103752 WEVER FAMILY LLC 5881 MARION DR Commercial 1972-055 BDP18-4381 VIO1998-13434 VIO1998-13435
0171930320007 R0063286 WF-CA SHERIDAN & 80TH LLC 8020 SHERIDAN BLVD, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1968-00013

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