Showing 6471 - 6480 of 6764 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182511202010 R0103651 J.A.C. AND ASSOCIATES LLC ATTN JOHN R BARNA 909 E 62ND AVE Commercial BDP17-5927 BDP19-1028 UTL2019-00581 UTL2021-00525
0182511202013 R0103652 BPAZ HOLDINGS 8 LLC C/O BERKELEY PARTNERS 6200 WASHINGTON ST Commercial BDC01-00215 BDC21-00154 BDL15-00553 BDP01-00254 BDP01-00887 BDP01-01217 BDP01-02725 BDP01-02748 BDP06-0100 BDP06-1513 BDP06-1514 BDP15-1329 BDP21-3235 BDP22-0156 HST2010-00791 HST2010-01748 HST2011-00080 RWC2010-00057 RWC2020-00004 RWC2022-00038 UTL2012-00147 UTL2018-00020 UTL2018-00517 UTL2019-00577 UTL2020-00168 VIO2000-20028 VIO2000-20029
0182511202014 R0103653 BPAZ HOLDINGS 8 LLC C/O BERKELEY PARTNERS 6260 WASHINGTON ST Commercial BDC08-00083 BDL06-00849 BDL10-00469 BDP06-1793 BDP08-0690 BDP10-4335 HST2010-00791 HST2010-01748 HST2011-00080
0182511202015 R0103654 BPAZ HOLDINGS 8 LLC C/O BERKELEY PARTNERS 6330 WASHINGTON ST Commercial BDL05-01027 BDL11-00024 BDL15-00526 BDP06-0060 BDP07-1427 BDP07-1445 BDP11-0270 BDP15-1122 BDP16-0234 BDP20-0473 BDP20-0732 HST2010-00791 HST2010-01748 RWC2010-00058 UTL2021-00209
0182511202016 R0103655 BPAZ HOLDINGS 8 LLC C/O BERKELEY PARTNERS 6300 WASHINGTON ST Commercial BDL03-00908 BDL15-00525 BDP03-2460 BDP15-1123 BDP19-3576 HST2010-00791 HST2010-01748 HST2011-00080
0182511202017 R0103656 WASHINGTON STREET PLAZA LLC C/O PINNACLE REAL ESTATE MGMT 800 E 64TH AVE Commercial 1992-060-S 1994-100-ZAP BDC23-00044 BDL05-00292 BDL05-00497 BDL12-00235 BDL14-00962 BDP05-0751 BDP05-1297 BDP10-2911 BDP12-1060 BDP14-2422 BDP17-0745 BDP18-5709 BDP18-5714 BDP18-5877 BDP18-6411 BDP19-0584 BDP22-0182 BDP22-0183 BDP99-00259 RWC2010-00056 SGN1999-00003 SGN1999-00011 SGN2000-00026 SGN2014-00033 UTL2012-00251 UTL2016-00270 VIO1997-6250 VIO1998-10702 VIO2007-54187 VIO2007-54188
0182511202018 R0103657 JEAN-LEWIS REAL ESTATE COMPANY LLC 1100 E 64TH AVE Commercial 1992-060-S 1994-100-ZAP BDC05-00130 BDL05-00451 BDP02-2811 BDP05-1011 BDP05-1211 BDP21-2783 BDP22-3633 BDP22-3690 BDP24-1433 ROW2005-00355 ROW2005-00459 ROW2005-00460 ROW2005-00656 SGN2002-00083 UTL2018-00167 VIO2006-49157 VIO2021-03577
0182511202019 R0103658 6345 DOWNING LLC 6345 DOWNING ST Commercial 1992-060-S 1994-100-ZAP ACC2021-00138 BDP16-0716 BDP16-1611 BDP18-0851 BDP18-1345 BDP18-2481 BDP21-2242 BDP99-00612 BDP99-01554 BDP99-01742 UTL2017-00144 VIO1999-16294 VIO1999-16295
0182511202020 R0103659 SCOTT ACKERMAN FAMILY LLC 6335 DOWNING ST Commercial 1992-060-S 1994-100-ZAP BDP17-4230 BDP19-2635 BDP19-3990 BDP20-2032 BDP24-2911 BDP97-2065 UTL2015-00490 UTL2020-00301 VIO1997-5735
0182511203001 R0103660 PROLOGIS L P C/O PROLOGIS TAX COORDINATOR Commercial 1970-009 HST2010-01256 PRE2024-00070 RWC2010-00212 UTL2020-00507

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