Showing 6221 - 6230 of 6764 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508100005 R0103018 2892 W 64TH AVE LLC 2892 W 64TH AVE Commercial BDP17-4304 RWC2010-00273
0182508100006 R0103019 BANK AND BANK LLP 2888 W 64TH AVE Commercial 1973-184-A 1974-175-A 3-74-Z-P BDP11-2583 HST2010-00413 PRE2006-00115 ROW2001-00324 ROW2001-00680 ROW2001-00839 ROW2001-00851 ROW2001-00975 ROW2003-00697
0182508100007 R0103020 NETTROUR DAVE AND MC PHERSON KENNETH 2830 W 64TH AVE Commercial 1993-094-V BDC01-00023 BDC07-00125 BDC18-00025 BDP00-00953 BDP00-02906 BDP00-02907 BDP00-02908 BDP01-00331 BDP01-00332 BDP01-00535 BDP01-00536 BDP01-00565 BDP01-00751 BDP01-02665 BDP02-0053 BDP16-0293 BV01-0023 CEC2015-00585 ILD2016-00015 ILD2016-00194 RWC2010-00246 VIO1999-14546 VIO1999-14547 VIO1999-15264 VIO1999-15265 VIO1999-17745 VIO1999-17746 VIO2002-31162 VIO2002-31163 VIO2004-40132 VIO2004-40133 VIO2008-58838 VIO2008-58839 VIO2014-00370 VIO2016-02593 VIO2017-02068
0182508100011 R0103021 MOBILE GARDENS LLC 6250 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial 1954-041 1957-094 1957-096 ACT2024-00078 BDL04-01204 BDL05-01035 BDL06-00924 BDP05-0337 BDP06-0340 BDP06-0565 BDP06-1962 BDP09-0745 BDP09-0746 BDP09-0747 BDP10-0812 BDP10-0813 BDP10-3142 BDP11-1244 BDP11-1576 BDP15-0462 CEC2015-00828 RWQ2023-00007 SGN2006-00004 TVM2007-00032 VIO1996-2680 VIO1996-2952 VIO1996-3363 VIO1996-3364 VIO1997-4868 VIO1998-10922 VIO1999-18961 VIO1999-18962 VIO2000-21420 VIO2000-21421 VIO2000-21422 VIO2000-21423 VIO2001-25398 VIO2001-25898 VIO2002-28197 VIO2002-30422 VIO2002-30423 VIO2002-30424 VIO2002-30571 VIO2002-30572 VIO2002-30573 VIO2002-31660 VIO2002-31661 VIO2002-31662 VIO2003-37098 VIO2003-37099 VIO2003-37870 VIO2003-37871 VIO2004-38609 VIO2004-38610 VIO2004-38698 VIO2004-38699 VIO2004-38700 VIO2004-38701 VIO2004-41228 VIO2004-41229 VIO2004-41778 VIO2004-41780 VIO2004-41807 VIO2005-46382 VIO2005-46383 VIO2005-46836 VIO2005-46849 VIO2005-46912 VIO2005-46913 VIO2006-47373 VIO2006-47374 VIO2006-48930 VIO2006-48931 VIO2009-62835 VIO2010-01192 VIO2015-00066 VIO2015-02381 VIO2018-01487 VIO2019-01280 VIO2023-01100 ZVR2023-00010
0182508100015 R0103023 FED61 LLC 6150 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial 1973-047-Z-P ACT2024-00075 BDL03-01044 BDL05-00437 BDP01-01119 BDP01-01322 BDP03-2740 BDP04-0008 BDP04-0024 BDP04-0112 BDP05-1075 BDP14-2140 BDP21-0453 HST2009-00216 HST2010-01868 PRE2001-00012 PRE2003-00014 PRE2005-00059 PRE2006-00057 PRE2012-00038 RCU2001-00019 SGN1985-5 UTL2023-00452 VIO1996-778 VIO1996-779 VIO1997-7330 VIO2001-24356 VIO2002-32121 VIO2002-32122 VIO2003-35758 VIO2005-45353 VIO2005-46180 VIO2006-47317 VIO2016-01511 VIO2017-00508 WET2001-00016
0182508100016 R0103024 ERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS INC 6140 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial 1974-065-A 1999-046-LL ACT2024-00074 BDC20-00016 BDL02-00443 BDP02-1566 BDP16-4873 BDP20-3787 BDP20-4122 BDP21-0104 HST2010-00837 HST2010-01363 LIQ2000-00051 LIQ2000-00052 LIQ2000-00053 LIQ2001-00061 LIQ2002-00074 LIQ2002-00098 LIQ2003-00030 LIQ2003-00064 LIQ2004-00057 LIQ2005-00011 LIQ2005-00065 LIQ2006-00066 LIQ2007-00036 LIQ2008-00030 LIQ2009-00036 LIQ2010-00031 LIQ2011-00040 LIQ2012-00045 LIQ2012-00049 LIQ2013-00041 LIQ2014-00040 LIQ2015-00035 LIQ2016-00043 LIQ2017-00045 LIQ2018-00054 LIQ2019-00043 LIQ2020-00079 LIQ2021-00064 LIQ2022-00068 LIQ2023-00065 LIQ2024-00077 SGN1994-6140 VIO2003-36238 VIO2003-36239 VIO2003-36240
0182508100022 R0103026 FED60 LLC 6000 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial 1974-083-A 1988-060-D 1989-116-V ACT2024-00071 BDP16-0797 HST2009-00156 HST2010-00029 HST2010-00677 HST2010-00706 VIO2000-23620 VIO2000-23621 VIO2002-29294 VIO2017-00509 VIO2018-00326 VIO2020-01049
0182508100023 R0103027 FED60 LLC 6000 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial HST2009-00156 VIO2009-63046 VIO2016-01038 VIO2016-01364
0182508100023 R0219437 FED60 LLC 6000 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial HST2009-00156 VIO2009-63046 VIO2016-01038 VIO2016-01364
0182508100025 R0103028 DENNIS PROPERTIES LLC 6160 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial ACT2024-00076 BDC04-00007 BDL10-00334 BDP10-3630 BDP16-1546 BDP23-2400 VIO2004-39383 VIO2004-39384 VIO2023-00774

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