Showing 6001 - 6010 of 6764 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182504308132 R0194093 MIDTOWN LLC 1675 W 67TH AVE Commercial
0182504400022 R0187996 MIDTOWN LLC Commercial BDP22-1786 BDP24-1247 EGR2023-00044 GRD2024-00001 ILD2016-00013 INF2019-00010 PLT2023-00049 PLT2023-00050 PRC2017-00007 PRC2023-00023 PRE2019-00083 PRE2023-00050 PUD2023-00021 PUD2024-00001 RWD2019-00024 SIA2023-00029 VIO2024-00585
0182504400024 R0199896 MIDTOWN LLC Commercial EGR2023-00044 GRD2024-00001 PLT2023-00049 PLT2023-00050 PRC2023-00023 PUD2023-00021 PUD2024-00001 SIA2023-00029
0182504401020 R0099644 6435 HURON STREET AND WEST 64TH AVENUE CO LLC C/O INTERNCONTINENTAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 875 W 64TH AVE Commercial 1972-070-Z 1972-272-A 1984-039-CD 1986-056-C A-272-72 BDL12-00046 BDP12-0651 BDP12-1966 BDP12-2082 BDP15-2945 BDP20-0906 BDP20-2686 BDP21-3866 BDP22-1161 BDP22-1162 BDP22-1163 BDP22-1164 BDP22-1165 BDP22-1167 BDP22-1168 BDP22-1169 BDP22-1170 BDP22-1965 CEC2014-00661 CSI2020-00013 EGR2020-00018 HST2011-00016 ILD2019-00020 ILD2020-00052 ILD2020-00082 INF2020-00013 INF2020-00045 PCI2022-00006 PRE2019-00066 RWD2020-00015 RWD2020-00016 RWD2020-00017 RWD2020-00018 RWD2020-00019 SGN2000-00030 SIA2020-00019 UTL2017-00332 UTL2020-00365 UTL2020-00542 UTL2021-00128 UTL2021-00135
0182504402006 R0099648 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC C/O BADEN TAX MANAGEMENT Commercial 1973-083-Z-P ACC2023-00059 TRL2013-00004 UTL2020-00229 UTL2021-00486 VIO2001-24512 VIO2001-24513 VIO2021-00245 VIO2023-02736 VIO2024-00656
0182504402007 R0099649 DIGBY FAMILY LLLP 1225 W 64TH AVE Commercial 1973-083-Z-P BDL04-01100 BDL05-00146 BDL05-00509 BDL09-00471 BDP05-0148 BDP05-1072 BDP10-0283 BDP16-2646 BDP23-0435 BDP23-0455 ILD2020-00063 PRE2009-00053 VAC2009-00002 WET2005-00001
0182505100020 R0099663 6860 FEDERAL BOULEVARD LLC 6860 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial 1991-008-V ACT2024-00003 ACT2024-00109 BDL12-00425 BDL13-00084 BDP10-0097 BDP12-1986 BDP12-1987 BDP13-0357 BDP21-0949 BDP21-3354 BDP24-2074 ILD2016-00128 INF2012-00005 RWH2015-00021 SGN1991-034 SGN2013-00012 UTL2023-00156 VIO2023-00370 VIO2024-00126
0182505100021 R0099664 DENVER FOOD & GAS LLC 6990 FEDERAL BLVD Commercial 1995-098-V ACT2024-00001 ACT2024-00002 BDC08-00184 BDC24-00006 BDC24-00017 BDP09-0227 BDP23-1976 BDP24-0440 BDP24-1744 INF2022-00046 LIQ2023-00045 LIR2024-00042 LIR2024-00064 LIR2024-00078 SGN1967-296 SGN1972-153 SGN1985-045 SGN1996-004 SGN1998-031 UTL2022-00476 VIO2018-01554 VIO2021-00062 VSP2024-00028
0182505100024 R0119567 STRONG CAPITAL V LP Commercial
0182505100031 R0178255 WESTMINSTER STATION NORTHGATE LLC Commercial ANX1968-00014

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