Showing 51 - 60 of 6766 records
Account Types: Commercial×
Clear Filters
Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156907311021 R0004321 DISTROMAR LTD Commercial
0156907311023 R0004322 DISTROMAR LTD Commercial
0156907311025 R0004323 720 SOUTH MAIN LLC Commercial
0156907311027 R0004324 720 SOUTH MAIN LLC Commercial
0156907311031 R0004326 720 SOUTH MAIN LLC Commercial
0156907311033 R0004327 720 SOUTH MAIN LLC Commercial
0156907322016 R0004558 RAPP RANCH LTD UND 1/2 INT AND RAPCO UND 1/2 INT Commercial
0156908101053 R0005358 WD PENFOLD-REAL ESTATE LLC Commercial
0156908101054 R0005359 63 S 22ND LLC Commercial
0156908101055 R0005360 BLEA RICHARD O AND VIRGINIA A Commercial