Showing 5931 - 5940 of 6764 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182503401013 R0207771 TRASH MAHAL COLORADO LLC 461 E 66TH AVE Commercial BDP22-0396 EGR2021-00025 EGR2024-00021 INF2021-00041 INF2022-00020 INF2024-00021 RWD2022-00015 RWD2022-00016 SIA2022-00011 SIA2024-00005 UTL2023-00501 UTL2024-00160 VSP2022-00012
0182503401013 R0207772 TRASH MAHAL COLORADO LLC 461 E 66TH AVE Commercial BDP22-0396 EGR2021-00025 EGR2024-00021 INF2021-00041 INF2022-00020 INF2024-00021 RWD2022-00015 RWD2022-00016 SIA2022-00011 SIA2024-00005 UTL2023-00501 UTL2024-00160 VSP2022-00012
0182503402005 R0098585 DENVER NORTH WASHINGTON LLC 6425 WASHINGTON ST Commercial 1970-009 1974-097-Z BDC01-00180 BDL14-00662 BDP02-1408 BDP03-0102 BDP14-2681 BDP20-0392 BDP99-02116 HST2010-01094 ILD2016-00123 ILD2016-00134 RWC2010-00040 RWH2017-00028 SGN2003-00041 SGN2014-00031 UTL2015-00144 UTL2016-00352 UTL2018-00095 VIO1996-397 VIO1996-398 VIO1998-13432 VIO1998-13433 VIO2005-46860 VIO2018-01557
0182503402006 R0098586 ACME INDUSTRIAL LLC 6501 WASHINGTON ST Commercial 1970-009 1986-33-PUD PRE2002-00065 PUD2002-00030 RWC2010-00041 RWH2017-00037 UTL2018-00562 UTL2021-00591 VIO2001-27654 VIO2001-27655
0182503402008 R0098587 ACME INDUSTRIAL LLC 6521 WASHINGTON ST #A Commercial 1970-009 1986-33-PUD BDC03-00141 BDC06-00125 BDC07-00175 BDL07-00111 BDL08-00208 BDP07-1070 BDP08-0844 BDP19-3903 PRE2007-00053 PUD2001-00028 PUD2002-00030 RWC2010-00210 RWH2017-00038 SGN2008-00033 UTL2017-00362 UTL2022-00342 VIO1996-418 VIO1996-419 VIO1998-10713 VIO1998-10714 VIO1998-13439 VIO1998-13440 VIO2000-19729 VIO2000-23750 VIO2000-23751 VIO2000-23752 VIO2002-30835 VIO2002-30836 VIO2003-33453 VIO2003-33454 VIO2016-01347 VIO2016-01564 VIO2019-00297
0182503402009 R0098588 SUBLETTE JACOBS PROPERTIES LLC 6591 WASHINGTON ST Commercial 1970-009 PRE2023-00044 RWC2010-00042 RWH2017-00027 VIO1999-14619
0182503403004 R0098590 COPPER LEASING LLC 275 E 64TH AVE Commercial 1985-027-A 1993-095-V BDL10-00073 BDL14-00081 BDL14-01255 BDL15-00231 BDP10-0486 BDP14-0035 BDP14-0243 BDP15-0784 BDP17-2864 BDP18-6386 BDP21-0592 BDP23-1664 PRA2017-00001 PRA2018-00005 PRE2018-00035 RCU2018-00018 RCU2021-00012 SGN2013-00008 SGN2013-00009 UTL2021-00164 UTL2022-00413 VSP2017-00002 VSP2017-00003 VSP2017-00004 VSP2018-00019 VSP2018-00020 VSP2018-00021 VSP2018-00022
0182503403006 R0098592 NR DENVER INDUSTRIAL PORTFOLIO LLC C/O NUVEEN 6400 BROADWAY ST Commercial 1994-113-T BDC15-00178 BDC20-00068 BDL09-00183 BDL09-00414 BDL10-00373 BDL11-00368 BDL12-00110 BDP07-0332 BDP09-1034 BDP09-2094 BDP09-2288 BDP10-3279 BDP11-2008 BDP12-0640 BDP13-2025 BDP16-0883 BDP17-2618 BDP18-5506 BDP21-0611 BDP21-0612 BDP21-0982 BDP21-1065 BDP22-2251 BDP22-3256 BDP98-1095 HST2009-00269 HST2009-00270 INF2014-00035 S-14-86 S-20-85 S-46-85 S-9-85 S-90-0043 SGN2009-00034 UTL2016-00178
0182504100003 R0098596 ROCHA ALBERTO 7000 PECOS ST Commercial 1998-028-T 1998-253-T 1999-084-T ACC2021-00032 BDC05-00054 BDL05-00824 BDL10-00107 BDP05-1469 BDP05-1681 BDP10-1380 BDP20-1191 BDP20-1515 BDP20-2067 CEC2013-00102 PRE2005-00025 RCU2000-00015 ROW2004-00082 ROW2006-00409 UTL2017-00471 UTL2018-00325 VIO1999-17760 VIO1999-17761 VIO2000-19760 VIO2000-19761 VIO2000-19786 VIO2000-19787 VIO2000-21177 VIO2000-21178 VIO2001-27491 VIO2001-27492 VIO2002-28419 VIO2002-28420 VIO2004-38319 VIO2004-38320 VIO2004-41683 VIO2004-41684 VIO2005-43218 VIO2005-43219 VIO2005-45424 VIO2019-00556
0182504100004 R0098597 XTREME LINERS OF COLORADO CORP 1521 W 70TH AVE Commercial ROW2005-00679 SGN2000-00017 UTL2016-00049 UTL2020-00593 VIO2000-19762 VIO2000-19763 VIO2002-30275 VIO2002-30276 VIO2003-35205 VIO2003-35206

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