Showing 5771 - 5780 of 6764 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182502108002 R0098037 EAST 68TH AVE PROPERTIES LLC 1761 E 68TH AVE Commercial BDC09-00038 BDL09-00079 BDL09-00168 BDL09-00243 BDL13-00705 BDP09-0697 BDP09-0784 BDP09-1119 BDP10-0559 BDP14-0121 BDP14-0122 BDP17-5123 CEC2012-00494 CEC2015-00787 HST2010-00863 HST2010-00976 PRE2022-00029 SGN2009-00007 VIO2014-00791 VIO2014-01167 VIO2016-00046 VIO2016-00825 VIO2016-02080 VIO2017-00003 VIO2017-00027 VIO2017-00101 VIO2018-00244 VIO2023-04026 VIO2024-00014
0182502108003 R0098038 AYARS EVERETT E FAMILY TRUST THE C/O VIRGINIA AYARS 1851 E 68TH AVE Commercial BDC24-00047 VIO2011-01764 VIO2020-00976 VIO2024-00373 VIO2024-00876 VIO2024-00990
0182502108004 R0098039 1921 E 68TH AVE LLC 1921 E 68TH AVE Commercial BDL03-01041 BDL09-00014 BDP0-2077 BDP04-0551 BDP14-2271 BDP14-2327 BDP14-2383 BDP21-1709 BDP99-02039 CEC2014-00193 SGN2000-00039 VIO2024-01001
0182502108005 R0098040 MORGANVILLE DEVELOPMENT LTD 1925 E 68TH AVE Commercial 1986-050-C BDP13-1399 HST2009-00285 HST2010-00977 HST2010-00990 HST2010-01874 VIO1997-4776 VIO2014-00534 VIO2016-00445 VIO2019-00569 VIO2020-00977 VIO2024-00600
0182502201004 R0179030 SCOTT MICHAEL AND SCOTT LORI 7150 LAFAYETTE ST Commercial UTL2013-00050
0182502202021 R0098051 CENTER LAND PROPERTIES 7154 WASHINGTON ST Commercial 1980-075-C 1987-137-V BDC05-00178 BDL05-00582 BDP03-0368 BDP05-0245 BDP05-1220 BDP07-0724 BDP11-2366 BDP15-1506 BDP20-0130 BDP22-0517 BDP22-1130 HST2010-01191 HST2010-01792 ILD2020-00051 PRE2017-00121 RCU2017-00050 RCU2018-00028 RCU2020-00014 RWC2010-00024 SGN2007-00055 SWA2013-00465 VIO1996-3262 VIO1996-665 VIO1996-666 VIO2001-27216 VIO2001-27217 VIO2003-35282 VIO2010-01132 VIO2010-02054 VIO2012-00084 VIO2015-02075 VIO2015-02431 VIO2017-00288 VIO2017-00750 VSP2002-00038
0182502202030 R0198564 TRUSTILE DOORS LLC 1111 E 71ST AVE Commercial ACC2021-00108 BDI23-0008 BDP19-1643 BDP19-2583 BDP19-3116 BDP19-3956 BDP20-0995 BDP20-1589 BDP20-1590 BDP20-1591 BDP20-1592 BDP20-1679 BDP20-3087 CSI2018-00027 INF2019-00030 INF2019-00031 PCI2021-00004 PLT2018-00043 SIA2019-00002 UTL2019-00339 UTL2019-00487 UTL2020-00336 UTL2024-00190 WET2018-00023
0182502203001 R0098053 PETERSON DONALD O 750 E 71ST AVE #A Commercial 1973-057-Z-PU 1986-004-A BDL12-00503 BDP12-1829 RWC2010-00026 UTL2019-00123 UTL2019-00472 UTL2020-00463 UTL2023-00555 VIO1997-7056 VIO2010-00897
0182502203002 R0098054 BURKEY MANAGEMENT COMPANY 755 HIGHWAY 224 Commercial BDC01-00095 BDC03-00361 BDC10-00171 BDL03-00992 BDL07-00659 BDL10-00423 BDP07-1701 BDP09-0935 BDP10-4042 BDP11-0273 BDP14-2232 BDP14-2233 BDP21-2781 BDP21-2782 RWC2010-00027 SGN2011-00009 TVM2001-00008 TVM2006-00014 UTL2016-00278 VIO1998-11028 VIO1998-11029 VIO1999-16954 VIO1999-17637 VIO1999-17638 VIO2001-27652 VIO2001-27653 VIO2001-27680 VIO2003-35260 VIO2003-37868 VIO2003-37869 VIO2010-01130 VIO2010-02055 VIO2011-02393 VIO2011-02406 VIO2012-00229 VIO2012-00250 VIO2019-01089 VIO2019-01409 VIO2020-00338 VIO2020-00802
0182502203009 R0098057 ARIANA AUTO SALES LLC 1061 E 70TH AVE Commercial 1995-055-S 1997-166-SV BDC04-00115 BDL04-00438 BDP04-1452 SGN2003-00058 VIO1996-1147 VIO1999-15840 VIO1999-15841 VIO2003-35571 VIO2003-35572

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