Showing 31 - 40 of 6774 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0157134001006 R0013688 YI YOUNG JIN AND HARN GWI SUK 12345 BRIGHTON RD Commercial 156-67 1999-028-LL BDC07-00338 BDC09-00097 BDL08-00009 BDP08-0225 BDP99-00145 HST2010-01136 LIQ2000-00044 LIQ2001-00043 LIQ2002-00041 LIQ2003-00045 LIQ2004-00041 LIQ2004-00051 LIQ2004-00055 LIQ2005-00088 LIQ2006-00054 LIQ2007-00077 LIQ2007-00100 LIQ2008-00047 LIQ2009-00043 LIQ2010-00037 LIQ2011-00036 LIQ2012-00040 LIQ2013-00034 LIQ2014-00034 LIQ2015-00039 LIQ2016-00037 LIQ2017-00048 LIQ2018-00043 LIQ2019-00032 LIQ2020-00036 LIQ2020-00086 LIQ2022-00012 LIQ2022-00080 LIQ2023-00084 LIQ2024-00097 LIR2024-00004 LIR2024-00090 LIR2025-00015 MJV2023-00005 MJV2024-00001 PLN2010-00012 SP-70-95 VIO2004-38444 VIO2004-38445 Z-78-69
0172306106029 R0191754 YFP LLC 15200 E 120TH AVE, COMMERCE CITY CO Commercial
0157128303062 R0194295 YC INC 7315 E 128TH AVE, THORNTON CO Commercial
0182335429007 R0097753 YATES ENTERPRISES LLC 1597 PEORIA ST, AURORA CO Commercial
0182335326010 R0097211 YANET LLC 10941 E COLFAX AVE, AURORA CO Commercial
0182510101019 R0118932 YAFA REALTY INVESTMENTS LLC 6245 WASHINGTON ST Commercial 1998-193-V 1999-062-AP BDP99-02332 ROW1998-00927 RWC2022-00031 UTL2018-00541 UTL2022-00278 VIO1999-18199 VIO2009-62740 VIO2013-01019
0171929404011 R0061307 YAABTAL INVESTMENTS CO LLC 8040 FEDERAL BLVD, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1951-00004
0182504100004 R0098597 XTREME LINERS OF COLORADO CORP 1521 W 70TH AVE Commercial ROW2005-00679 SGN2000-00017 UTL2016-00049 UTL2020-00593 VIO2000-19762 VIO2000-19763 VIO2002-30275 VIO2002-30276 VIO2003-35205 VIO2003-35206
0156908105020 R0005452 XR LAND SERVICES LLC 133 S 27TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0171903409021 R0168918 XING LONG HOUSE LLC 640 MALLEY DR, NORTHGLENN CO Commercial

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