Showing 31 - 40 of 6819 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156902322057 R0201962 TAT ROYAL LLC C/O ERIC TSAI 208 N 50TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156903126001 R0141904 DJ HOMESTEAD LLC Commercial ANX1985-00034
0156903322010 R0164716 PROPRIETAR LLC Commercial ANX1985-00034
0156903322016 R0164715 BRIGHTVIEW PROPERTIES LLC 19 N 42ND AVE #300, BRIGHTON CO Commercial ANX1985-00034
0156903322017 R0164714 SINGH RASHPAL AND SINGH MANJIT 15 N 42ND AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial ANX1985-00034
0156903322018 R0164713 BRADY AND COMPANY 1 LLC 51 N 42ND AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial ANX1985-00034
0156903322019 R0174706 BACKFLIP LLC 21 N 42ND AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial ANX1985-00034
0156903402009 R0205575 ALVARADO DEVELOPMENT LLC 4765 E BRIDGE ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156903402012 R0205578 BANK OF COLORADO 13 N 50TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156903402015 R0205581 O REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC 183 N 50TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial

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