Showing 3211 - 3220 of 6764 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0172120005009 R0076950 9339 LAND GROUP LLC 9339 BRIGHTON RD Commercial 1970-010-Z 1988-025-P 1992-058-V 1994-012-ZCP BDL05-00362 BDL07-00132 BDL11-00389 BDP08-0219 BDP11-1971 BDP11-2512 BDP16-3601 HST2009-00018 HST2010-01006 HST2010-01163 PRE2021-00091 SWA2013-00605 Z-10-70
0172120005010 R0076951 9339 LAND GROUP LLC 9339 BRIGHTON RD Commercial 1970-010-Z 1994-012-ZCP BDL07-00132 BDP05-0701 BDP07-0498 BDP13-1659 BDP14-2384 BDP21-2883 HST2010-01006 PRE2019-00040 PRE2021-00091 SWA2013-00606 Z-10-70
0172120006005 R0076952 GOBEL FAMILY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 9090 BRIGHTON RD Commercial 1973-231-A BDL08-00050 BDP05-1702 BDP08-0377 BDP23-1154 HST2009-00015 HST2009-00136 VIO1997-7296 Z-78-72
0172120006006 R0076953 GOBEL FAMILY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 9090 E 91ST AVE Commercial VIO2002-29393 VIO2002-29394
0172120007001 R0076954 INTERSTATE BUSINESS PARK LLC 6245 E 88TH AVE Commercial 1974-085-P 1990-020-AP 1990-075-C 1996-211-C BDC07-00230 BDC08-00031 BDL04-01084 BDL05-00765 BDL08-00057 BDL11-00037 BDL13-00131 BDL14-00253 BDP01-01756 BDP05-0091 BDP07-1406 BDP08-0253 BDP08-0318 BDP13-0540 BDP14-0524 BDP16-3577 BDP17-0186 BDP17-5281 BDP17-5771 BDP18-6094 BDP19-3020 BDP21-1711 BDP21-3284 BDP22-1419 BDP23-3865 BDP24-0233 HST2010-01425 ILD2021-00069 RCU2002-00026 RCU2004-00026 RCU2007-00019 RCU2017-00016 UTL2016-00237 UTL2017-00087 UTL2017-00431 VIO1998-13146 VIO2015-02766 VIO2016-01161 VIO2017-01176 VIO2018-00319 VIO2020-00262 VIO2020-00460
0172120007002 R0076955 KALYNN VENTURES LLC 8801 I-76 FRONTAGE RD Commercial 1990-101-V 1998-092-LL BDP14-0110 LIQ2000-00034 LIQ2001-00046 LIQ2001-00059 LIQ2002-00062 LIQ2003-00044 LIQ2004-00065 LIQ2005-00062 UTL2015-00044 VIO2000-23556 VIO2003-36163 VIO2004-40993 VIO2004-40994 VIO2004-40995 VIO2004-40996 VIO2016-03153 VIO2016-03204 VIO2019-00654 VIO2019-00655 VIO2019-01088 VIO2020-00242 VIO2020-00311 VIO2020-00887 VIO2023-02467 VIO2023-02692
0172120009003 R0076959 SINGLETREE LAND COMPANY LLC C/O EVERETT T MERRITT Commercial BDL15-00858 BDP14-0394 BDP14-0496 BDP15-1987 HST2009-00158 HST2011-00037 RCU2024-00048 RWQ2015-00051 TVM2014-00004 TVM2015-00019 USE2023-00046 VSP2014-00005 VSP2015-00026 VSP2019-00034
0172120009004 R0076960 SINGLETREE LAND COMPANY LLC C/O EVERETT T MERRITT Commercial HST2009-00158 HST2011-00037 RCU2024-00048 RWQ2015-00051 USE2023-00046 VSP2014-00005 VSP2015-00026 VSP2019-00034
0172120009005 R0076961 SINGLETREE LAND COMPANY LLC C/O EVERETT T MERRITT Commercial HST2009-00158 HST2011-00037 RCU2024-00048 RWQ2015-00051 USE2023-00046 VSP2014-00005 VSP2015-00026 VSP2016-00053 VSP2019-00034
0172120009006 R0076962 SINGLETREE LAND COMPANY LLC C/O EVERETT T MERRITT Commercial HST2009-00158 HST2011-00037 RWQ2015-00051 TVM2016-00029 USE2023-00046 VSP2014-00005 VSP2015-00026 VSP2016-00053

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