Showing 21 - 30 of 164659 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518201006 R0105438 4510 SAINT CLAIR APARTMENTS LLC 4510 ST CLAIR PL Residential BDC10-00059 BDP19-1679 BDP23-2097 CEC2012-00299 PLN2021-00011 PRE2022-00020 VIO1997-8083 VIO1999-15996 VIO1999-15997 VIO1999-19253 VIO1999-19254 VIO2012-01059 VIO2019-01711 ZVR2024-00042
0182518200046 R0180553 FARRAR SCOTT A AND FARRAR KRISTI L 5091 W 52ND AVE Residential BDP15-2000 BDP20-2735 PLN2021-00011
0182518200045 R0180552 THRAILKILL GEORGE D AND THRAILKILL JESSIE A Residential
0182518200044 R0114615 4501 INVESTMENTS LLC 4501 W 52ND AVE Residential BDC11-00145 BDP10-0090 BDP99-01457 BDP99-01458 PLN2021-00011 ROW1999-00288
0182518200043 R0105437 FIORE EQUITIES LTD LLP C/O COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Residential 1995-122-T 1997-056-T
0182518200042 R0105436 FIORE EQUITIES LTD LLP C/O COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Residential PLN2021-00011
0182518200037 R0105432 MADAYAG HOLLY LYN 5089 W 52ND AVE Residential 1953-035 1953-036 BDP09-1765 BDP17-4303 PLN2021-00011 PRE2021-00034 PRE2022-00053 VIO2021-02596 VIO2023-03427
0182518200035 R0105430 HILLEN WILLIAM D 4647 W 52ND AVE Residential ACC2021-00191 ACC2021-00198 BDC18-00117 PLN2021-00011 PRE2015-00001 PRE2018-00091 PRE2022-00033 UTL2021-00534 VIO1997-6777 VIO1999-18316 VIO2000-22438 VIO2018-01178 VIO2021-02846
0182518200034 R0105429 DE CASAS NEHILOTH AND DE CASAS GOMEZ VICTOR 4705 W 52ND AVE Residential 1986-041-Z BDP17-1887 PLN2021-00011 UTL2013-00633 VIO1997-5962

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