Showing 211 - 220 of 6759 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156906318001 R0002868 K & CT FAMILY TRUST THE 190 GREAT WESTERN RD, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906318002 R0002869 T&T HOLDINGS LLC 131 N 1ST AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906318003 R0002870 T&T HOLDINGS LLC Commercial
0156906319001 R0181332 TMP VENTURES LLC 221 KUNER RD, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906422001 R0003314 HILST/DERMIT LLP 40 N 4TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906422002 R0003315 TBK BANK SSB 70 N 4TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906423005 R0003323 TBK BANK SSB 421 BRIDGE ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906423006 R0003324 VIGIL JENIFER D 429 BRIDGE ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906423014 R0003332 TBK BANK SSB 30 N 4TH AVE, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906423015 R0110681 410 STRONG STREET LLC 410 STRONG ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial

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