Showing 171 - 180 of 6774 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156906313016 R0002831 MAHNKE GARY AND MAHNKE JUDITH M 109 WALNUT ST #A, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906313019 R0162837 BRIDGE B LTD 115 BRIDGE ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906313020 R0212871 INDEPENDENT HOLDING LLC 189 KUNER RD #A, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314001 R0002833 MEK COLORADO LLC 45 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314002 R0002834 DOHERTY DANIEL R 43 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314003 R0002835 DOHERTY DANIEL R 39 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314004 R0002836 CKL HOLDINGS LLC 33 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314005 R0002837 29 N MAIN PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC 29 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314010 R0002838 ROTH ERIC 15 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0156906314014 R0002840 ROTH ERIC 5 N MAIN ST, BRIGHTON CO Commercial

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