Showing 1761 - 1770 of 163262 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156726303006 R0001429 VALADEZ-ZAVALA GENARO AND VALADEZ-ZAVALA ANNA MARIE 30141 E 128TH AVE Residential 1971-023 BDC06-00165 BDC07-00210 BDC07-00300 BDL06-00620 BDL06-00621 BDP01-01633 BDP03-2243 BDP03-2721 BDP07-0195 BDP07-0196 BDP07-1421 BDP10-1357 BDP12-0339 BDP16-3058 BDP19-2795 BDP19-2842 LIQ2018-00071 WET2006-00007 WET2016-00018
0156726303007 R0001430 CESPEDES CARLOS AND CESPEDES MARGARITA 30241 E 128TH AVE Residential 1971-023 BDL08-00096 ROW2008-00049 VIO1997-5380 WET2007-00019 WET2008-00008
0156726303008 R0001431 SOTO JESUS E AND SOTO LETICIA A AND MENA RAFAEL LUTZ 12885 LANEWOOD ST Residential 1971-023 BDP03-2533 BDP21-1996 VIO2003-34415
0156726303009 R0001432 DAVIS BRUCE L 30341 E 128TH AVE Residential 1971-023 BDP00-01765 BDP01-01441 BDP09-0254 BDP20-3506 BDP21-0741 UTL2021-00217 VIO2003-34411 VIO2004-40504 VIO2008-60147
0156726303010 R0001433 SOTO JESUS E AND SOTO LETICIA A 12815 LANEWOOD ST Residential 1971-023 BDP04-1218 BDP10-2655 ROW2007-00197 VIO2003-34417 VIO2003-34431 VIO2004-40499 VIO2004-40502 VIO2005-43092
0156726303011 R0113898 SCHLAGEL LYNN MARIE AND SCHLAGEL ROY LOUIS 12985 LANEWOOD ST Residential 1971-023 BDP01-02327 BDP03-1955 BDP03-2722 BDP04-0165 BDP10-3260 BDP19-2379 OGI2021-00528 SWA2024-00003 VIO2003-34414 VIO2005-43071
0156726303012 R0113899 LY CHOMPHET AND LY CHOUA 12925 LANEWOOD ST Residential 1971-023 BDP16-2664 BDP17-3535 BDP18-1905 CLV2018-00116
0156726304001 R0001434 LOPEZ LEOBARDO LOPEZ AND RUIZ MA ELENA ROJAS 30147 E 131ST AVE Residential 1971-023 ACC2023-00154 BDP01-01804 BDP19-2312 BDP23-2889 SWA2013-00626 VIO2004-40510 VIO2004-40511
0156726304002 R0001435 POWELL LESTER E 30187 E 131ST AVE Residential 1971-023 BDP19-2638 BDP23-0692 VIO1997-5387 VIO1997-6399 VIO2003-37215 VIO2008-60150
0156726304003 R0001436 VAN GIESON ERNEST M III AND VAN GIESON HEIDI L 30267 E 131ST AVE Residential 1971-023 BDP11-1079 BDP19-3172 BDP23-2678 BDP23-2927 VIO1997-5382 VIO1997-6397 VIO1998-11069 VIO1999-14798 VIO2000-21873 VIO2003-34416 VIO2003-37216 VIO2005-43084 VIO2005-45249 VIO2007-55241 VIO2010-00707

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