Showing 165631 - 165640 of 165711 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518116023 R0105373 BLACKARD LINDSAY AND BLACKARD REBECCA 5225 NEWTON ST Residential BDP16-1124 BDP17-1847 VIO2002-29206 VIO2020-00904
0182518116024 R0213031 CARPENTER ROBLEY THERON II 5293 NEWTON ST Residential UTL2022-00619 UTL2023-00134 UTL2023-00233
0182518116025 R0213032 CARPENTER ROBLEY THERON II 5295 NEWTON ST Residential UTL2022-00620 UTL2023-00134
0182518116026 R0213033 IVORY RENTALS LLC 5297 NEWTON ST Residential ACC2024-00049 BDP24-0337 BDP24-1290 UTL2025-00062
0182518116027 R0213034 IVORY RENTALS LLC 5299 NEWTON ST Residential ACC2024-00048 BDP24-0336 BDP24-1291 BDP24-1292 UTL2025-00063 VIO2024-00882 VIO2024-00883
0182518117001 R0105374 ADAMSON TROY L AND ADAMSON KAROL 5288 NEWTON ST Residential 1955-029 BDP05-1883 BDP17-1967 BDP24-4209 VIO1998-8537 VIO2000-19845
0182518117002 R0105375 WELLS GRACE TRUST 5280 NEWTON ST Residential BDC07-00142 BDP06-0359 BDP06-0513 BDP07-0752 BDP10-3387 BDP17-1966 BDP17-3814 BDP19-4277 HST2009-00248 UTL2016-00253 VIO1997-4427 VIO1997-6780 VIO1998-9723 VIO2003-35655 VIO2003-36737 VIO2004-39946 VIO2004-39947 VIO2004-41195
0182518117003 R0105376 LOPEZ JOE J AND FLOREZ CAMELITA M 5272 NEWTON ST Residential BDP17-3660 BDP99-02833 VIO2000-21243 VIO2002-29628 VIO2003-35268 VIO2003-36736 VIO2023-03513 VIO2023-03999
0182518117004 R0105377 COLORADO LUCKY BOB LLC 5260 NEWTON ST Residential BDP11-0707 BDP17-4965 PRA2019-00004 VIO1997-4428 VIO1997-4429 VIO2001-26295 VIO2001-26296 VIO2006-47017 VIO2006-47018 VSP2019-00037
0182518117005 R0105378 BACHMANN VENTURES LLC C/O ANDREW M BACHMANN 5250 NEWTON ST Residential BDP16-3320 VIO1997-6115

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