Showing 165521 - 165530 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518106019 R0105208 MALOVER THOMAS R AND MALOVER CRISTINA M 5370 OSCEOLA ST Residential BDP10-1088 BDP17-2814 BDP24-1600 VIO1998-9755 VIO1999-18060 VIO2004-41553 VIO2014-00486 VIO2017-01251
0182518106020 R0105209 JBG III-XFT LLC 5337 NEWTON ST Residential BDC16-00024 BDL05-00784 BDP06-0926 BDP11-0901 VIO1997-4430 VIO2018-00678 VIO2018-01069 VIO2019-00204 VIO2021-01021 VIO2022-02966 VIO2022-03789 VIO2024-00562 VIO2024-00757
0182518106021 R0105210 COLORADO HOLDINGS INVESTMENT LLC 5335 NEWTON ST Residential BDP01-02207 BDP17-3326 BDP17-6049 CEC2013-00664 VIO2000-23414 VIO2004-42711 VIO2004-42771 VIO2005-43294 VIO2013-00958 VIO2021-01012 VIO2023-04091 VIO2024-00042 VIO2024-00262
0182518106023 R0220328 L I T VENTURES LLC Residential PRA2025-00001 VIO2024-01251 VSP2025-00002 VSP2025-00009
0182518107012 R0105216 RANDALL ZACHARY W AND RANDALL RACHEL D 5395 OSCEOLA ST Residential BDP12-0817 BDP15-2857 VIO1997-4468 VIO2000-21321 VIO2002-30890 VIO2019-02065
0182518107013 R0105217 BARKELEY VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Residential HST2010-01527 VIO2002-30614 VIO2019-01899
0182518107014 R0105218 WOLF COLLEEN 5375 OSCEOLA ST #D Residential BDP14-2677 BDP17-4922 HST2010-01527 HST2010-01627 VIO2011-02069 VIO2014-00728
0182518107015 R0105219 KAPPEL DANIELLE AND KAPPEL BEN 5375 OSCEOLA ST #C Residential BDP14-2676 BDP17-4923 HST2010-01527 HST2010-01627 VIO2014-00727 VIO2017-02022 VIO2017-02023
0182518107016 R0105220 5375 OSCEOLA LLC 5375 OSCEOLA ST #B Residential BDP14-2675 BDP17-4926 HST2010-01527 HST2010-01627 VIO1999-14282 VIO1999-14283 VIO2002-29863 VIO2002-29864 VIO2002-29865 VIO2002-29866 VIO2002-29867 VIO2002-29868 VIO2007-53834 VIO2007-53835 VIO2014-00726
0182518107017 R0105221 HAILEY DUSTIN AND HAILEY KAREN 5375 OSCEOLA ST #A Residential BDP14-2674 BDP17-4929 CEC2014-00187 HST2010-01527 HST2010-01627 VIO2009-61167 VIO2009-61168 VIO2014-00482 VIO2014-00725

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