Showing 165481 - 165490 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518102004 R0105160 JIMENEZ ROSITA 5402 MEADE ST Residential BDL04-00165 BDP04-0373 BDP09-1603 BDP17-1979 SWA2014-00068 UTL2021-00446 VIO2016-00455 VSP2003-00038
0182518102006 R0105162 ROMERO JOE AND DOROTHY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 5415 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDC10-00168 BDP11-1364 BDP12-0244 BDP17-4957 PRA2010-00009 VIO1998-9966 VIO2018-00699 VSP2010-00067 VSP2010-00068 VSP2010-00069 VSP2010-00070
0182518102007 R0105163 KOTTENSTETTE JOSEPH T KOTTENSTETTE EILEEN S 5425 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDC14-00117 BDP13-0681 BDP17-3654 BDP17-3781 CEC2014-00591 VIO2008-57794 VIO2010-01532
0182518102008 R0105164 WHITE FENCE INVESTMENTS LLC 5491 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP15-0139 BDP17-1773 BDP17-4719 BDP21-2461
0182518102009 R0105165 KOTTENSTETTE JOSEPH T AND KOTTENSTETTE EILEEN S 5495 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP06-1236 BDP99-00572 BDP99-01538 CEC2013-00285
0182518102010 R0105166 VALES KEITH 5497 LOWELL BLVD Residential 1955-113 BDI12-0007 BDP12-0382 BDP12-0498 BDP15-3458 BDP17-5790 BDP20-2640 BDP22-1120 RWC2011-00098 UTL2012-00356 VIO2002-29733 VIO2003-35884 VIO2005-43313
0182518102011 R0204127 TRUJILLO LARRY AND TRUJILLO MICHELLE 5405 LOWELL BLVD Residential ACC2025-00001 ACC2025-00012 BDP21-1216 BDP24-4427
0182518102012 R0204128 TRUJILLO LARRY AND TRUJILLO MICHELLE 5401 LOWELL BLVD Residential UTL2021-00112
0182518103001 R0105167 FLAHIVE DRENNAN 5412 NEWTON ST Residential 1973-010-SV BDP00-01795 BDP17-4003 BDP21-3201 PRE2001-00160 PRE2002-00085 PRE2004-00096 VIO2001-26348 VIO2002-29721
0182518103002 R0105168 CONDE ALMA VANESA 3785 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP16-0088 PRE2004-00096 VIO2000-21191 VIO2000-21192 VIO2001-26349 VIO2001-26350 VIO2002-29507 VIO2002-29508

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