Showing 165471 - 165480 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518100027 R0105145 53RD AND TENNYSON LLC 4301 W 53RD AVE Residential 1953-079 ACC2022-00007 BDL01-00360 BDP01-02958 BDP19-2409 BDP19-2969 CEC2013-00020 CEC2014-00526 EGR2020-00007 EGR2023-00038 ILD2019-00046 PLT2020-00007 PLT2020-00024 PLT2020-00025 PLT2022-00029 PLT2022-00040 PLT2022-00041 PLT2023-00027 PLT2023-00040 PRC2020-00005 PRC2022-00016 PRC2023-00026 PRE2016-00006 PRE2018-00047 PRE2019-00061 PRE2021-00007 RCU2020-00005 RCU2020-00006 RWC2011-00104 SIA2022-00020 SIA2023-00027 TVM2019-00023 UTL2019-00342 UTL2022-00034 VAC2020-00002 VAC2023-00008 VIO1997-4955 VIO1997-4956 VIO1999-13633 VIO1999-13634 VIO1999-18747 VIO1999-18748 VIO1999-18756 VIO1999-18757 VIO2000-19940 VIO2000-19941 VIO2000-19942 VIO2000-19943 VIO2000-21525 VIO2000-21526 VIO2007-56686 VIO2007-56687 VIO2007-56688 VIO2010-01310 VIO2014-01762 VIO2016-00685 VIO2019-00801 VIO2019-00836 VIO2020-00942 VIO2020-00962 VIO2022-00691 VIO2022-00822 VIO2022-02967
0182518100029 R0105146 HERON GREGORY W Residential
0182518100037 R0220327 NIXON JAMES M AND NIXON PERLA I 5400 OSCEOLA ST Residential
0182518101006 R0168672 REAT JAMES AND OBUR MARY 5515 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDL06-00301 BDP06-0727 BDP18-2609 BDP25-0149 BDP25-0150 PUD2006-00005 VIO2008-59839 VIO2010-00908 VIO2011-00689 VIO2011-01316 VIO2011-01939 VIO2012-01224 VIO2013-00567 VIO2016-02044
0182518101007 R0168671 HERNANDEZ SUSANA 5519 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDL06-00299 BDP06-0726 PUD2006-00005 VIO2008-59838
0182518101008 R0168669 CRUZ BRENDA AND BUSTILLOS ALFREDO 5507 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDL06-00297 BDL06-00504 BDP06-0798 BDP06-1061 BDP08-0108 BDP18-2065 PUD2006-00005
0182518101009 R0168670 DE LARA ANA 5503 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDL06-00298 BDP06-0797 BDP08-1300 BDP18-1689 PUD2006-00005 ROW2006-00375 VIO2007-55738
0182518102001 R0105157 KOTTENSTETTE JOSEPH T AND KOTTENSTETTE EILEEN S Residential 1955-113 VIO2014-02228 VSP2003-00038
0182518102002 R0105158 KOTTENSTETTE JOSEPH T AND KOTTENSTETTE EILEEN S 5460 MEADE ST Residential HST2010-01790 VIO2014-02229 VSP2003-00038
0182518102003 R0105159 KOTTENSTETTE JOSEPH T AND KOTTENSTETTE EILEEN S Residential CEC2014-00637 VIO2000-21207 VIO2014-02230 VSP2003-00038

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