Showing 165451 - 165460 of 165798 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517217002 R0105113 SWANSON LEE W AND SWANSON BARBARA K 3072 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP17-2713 RWC2022-00098
0182517217007 R0105114 REGIS UNIVERSITY Residential RWC2022-00094 VIO2002-29308 VIO2024-00613 VIO2024-00615
0182517217009 R0105116 REGIS UNIVERSITY 5200 GROVE ST Residential BDP00-00652 RWC2022-00092 SWA2013-00062 VIO2006-49381 VIO2023-03303
0182517217010 R0105117 BROCK GRACE C 5256 GROVE ST Residential BDP04-0241 BDP14-0311 BDP17-2320 RWC2022-00095 VIO2007-53776 VIO2024-00612
0182517217011 R0105118 GROVE LIMITED 5266 GROVE ST Residential BDP07-1547 BDP12-1905 BDP24-1200 RWC2022-00096
0182517217014 R0105119 FEY JERI C AND FEY MARTIN C 3070 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP14-1274 BDP17-3027 RWC2022-00099 VIO2003-33934
0182517217017 R0105120 LOWELL REAL ESTATE LLC Residential
0182517217018 R0105121 LOWELL REAL ESTATE LLC 3050 W 53RD AVE Residential RWC2022-00100
0182517218001 R0105122 REGIS UNIVERSITY Residential
0182517218002 R0105123 REGIS UNIVERSITY 5241 REGIS RD Residential BDP06-1263 BDP11-2126 SWA2019-00002

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