Showing 165341 - 165350 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517209020 R0105011 SCHMIDT JACOB AND MOORE KARI 5395 GROVE ST Residential BDP17-4357 RWC2023-00022 VIO2003-34660 VIO2004-41420 VIO2005-46297 VIO2007-53725 VIO2015-01897 VIO2016-01648
0182517209021 R0105012 POPE RUSSELL J 3240 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP15-0752 BDP99-00362 RWC2023-00021 VIO2008-59722
0182517209022 R0105013 ESCOBAR LAILA G 3246 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP19-2308 RWC2023-00020
0182517209023 R0105014 MAZIARZ RICHARD M AND MAZIARZ DIANNE 3280 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP06-0540 BDP07-1727 BDP17-2113 RWC2023-00019
0182517209024 R0194672 MELISA JOY BUIE TRUST 5320 IRVING ST Residential BDP18-5912 BDP19-0609 RWC2023-00036
0182517209027 R0223507 HERBST BRANDON N AND WILSON REBECCA B 3283 W 53RD AVE #A Residential
0182517209028 R0223508 WARNER KATELYN 3283 W 53RD AVE #B Residential
0182517209029 R0223509 FLORENCE JOHN O III 3281 W 53RD AVE #A Residential VIO2024-00866 VIO2024-01668
0182517209030 R0223510 BALDWIN ELLYCE 3281 W 53RD AVE #B Residential VIO2024-00867 VIO2025-00148
0182517210001 R0105015 BROACH CHERI G 5390 JULIAN ST Residential BDP07-0230 BDP09-0668 BDP21-2776 BDP22-3763 BDP23-3155 BDP23-3648 BDP24-1112 CEC2014-00557 RWC2023-00013 UTL2019-00341 VIO1997-4390 VIO1999-16371 VIO2001-26565 VIO2002-29809 VIO2003-33905 VIO2004-41715 VIO2005-46290 VIO2006-50214 VIO2007-53731 VIO2008-59740 VIO2014-01925

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