Showing 165331 - 165340 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517209010 R0105001 LANGBAUER DELLA M 3279 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP00-01776 BDP17-2890 RWC2023-00041 VIO2015-01843
0182517209011 R0105002 HARVER DYLAN JAYMES 3269 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP20-3106 BDP22-2482 PRE2022-00065 RWC2023-00042 VIO2024-01589
0182517209012 R0105003 PAGANETTI MICHAEL 3265 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP03-2643 BDP14-0750 BDP17-3323 RWC2023-00043
0182517209013 R0105004 VANROEKEL BONNIE G 3255 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP17-2724 BDP21-3549 BDP21-3551 BDP99-00754 RWC2023-00044 VIO2007-53771 VIO2008-59720 VIO2024-00686
0182517209014 R0105005 MORGAN THURMAN JR 3251 W 53RD AVE Residential RWC2023-00045 UTL2018-00243
0182517209015 R0105006 ELEY JUDY B 3185 W 53RD AVE Residential 1954-007 BDP02-1170 BDP07-0229 BDP12-0261 RWC2023-00046
0182517209016 R0105007 BELEGRATIS TASOS 3145 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP07-1713 RWC2023-00047 UTL2018-00064
0182517209017 R0105008 VALDEZ MICHAEL V AND VALDEZ BARBARA 5345 GROVE ST Residential BDC12-00113 BDL12-00460 BDL12-00478 BDL12-00479 BDP02-2211 BDP10-0747 BDP10-3423 BDP12-1754 BDP12-1755 BDP14-1392 BDP18-2395 RWC2023-00048 VIO1997-4381 VIO2000-21211 VIO2006-47358 VIO2006-47359 VSP2013-00023
0182517209018 R0105009 VALDEZ MICHAEL V 5367 GROVE ST Residential RWC2023-00049 VIO1997-6377 VIO1997-6378 VIO1999-14383 VIO1999-14384 VIO2015-01842
0182517209019 R0105010 MITCHELL JOSHUA 5355 GROVE ST Residential BDP17-1779 BDP18-0395 BDP99-00800 RWC2023-00050 VIO1997-4382 VIO2024-00412

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