Showing 165291 - 165300 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517207014 R0104966 LEDEZMA IRMA 5490 GROVE ST Residential 1994-168-ZP BDP01-00813 BDP12-1237 BDP17-1929 CEC2012-00126 CEC2013-00181 CEC2013-00695 HST2010-01406 VIO2004-41840 VIO2008-60091 VIO2013-00202 VIO2013-01050 VIO2021-01676
0182517207015 R0104967 GONZALEZ GERALDINE DIANE AND MARTINEZ RICHARD SHANNON 5480 GROVE ST Residential 1994-168-ZP BDP17-2448 HST2010-01406 VIO2019-01635 VIO2021-01290
0182517207016 R0104968 HERNANDEZ VINCE A 5470 GROVE ST Residential 1994-168-ZP CEC2013-00891 HST2010-01406 UTL2015-00136 UTL2019-00589 VIO2007-53784 VIO2008-59742
0182517208001 R0104969 ORR BRANDON 3080 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP10-3138 BDP17-0476 BDP99-00297 RWC2022-00039
0182517208002 R0104970 HOLLOWAY GLENN 5380 GROVE ST Residential BDP14-0094 RWC2022-00070
0182517208003 R0104971 HOLLOWAY GLENN R 5370 GROVE ST Residential
0182517208004 R0104972 HOLLOWAY GLENN 5350 GROVE ST Residential BDP15-1594 RWC2022-00047 VIO1998-9667 VIO2000-21415 VIO2016-02476
0182517208007 R0104974 VASSELLI THOMAS J 3085 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP09-0913 BDP17-3850 RWC2022-00050
0182517208009 R0104975 W 53RD LLC Residential PLT2021-00036 PLT2022-00022 PLT2024-00018 PRC2022-00009 PRC2023-00001 PRE2016-00050 PRE2017-00119 PRE2020-00050 RWC2022-00106 SIA2024-00014 VIO2005-46304 VIO2021-00078
0182517208010 R0104976 TARANGO BARBARA 3033 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP17-4827 BDP99-02743 RWC2022-00105 SWA2015-00028

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