Showing 165281 - 165290 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517206029 R0104957 WARHOLA LORENE DURAN 3161 W 54TH AVE Residential BDL04-00954 BDP04-1933 BDP18-0681 VIO2005-45441 VIO2005-45445 VIO2008-57567 VIO2008-57568 VIO2010-00512 VIO2015-01845
0182517206030 R0104958 TUTAK JOSEPH 5441 GROVE ST Residential BDL01-00143 BDP01-02077 BDP17-2218 BDP23-2165 BDP99-01718 SWA2013-00737 SWA2013-00814 UTL2016-00561 VIO1998-9798 VIO2003-33918
0182517206031 R0159548 IBUADO BENJAMIN AND IBUADO DAVERY 3332 W 55TH AVE Residential BDL09-00312 PRE2007-00076 UTL2011-00213 VIO2017-00719
0182517206032 R0159840 3299 W 54TH LLC 3299 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP18-2112 BDP22-3731 BDP23-2641 BDP23-2642 BDP23-2643 BDP23-2645 BDP25-0214 OGI2021-00190
0182517206033 R0204125 IRVING ASSOCIATES LLC 3330 W 55TH AVE Residential VSP2024-00055
0182517206034 R0204126 BLOMBERG ANNA J AND BLOMBERG JACQUELINE 3300 W 55TH AVE Residential ACC2022-00136 BDP21-0390 BDP21-0553 BDP21-0804 BDP22-1695 UTL2021-00092 UTL2022-00263 VSP2024-00054
0182517207002 R0104959 JOHNSON MARLENE P AND PYOTT JODY L 5406 GROVE ST Residential BDP00-01783 BDP01-00529 BDP15-0699 BDP17-2787 UTL2015-00265 VIO2024-00639
0182517207005 R0104960 ROZALES VICTORIA REBECCA AND SCARPELLA DEBRA ANN 3051 W 54TH AVE Residential RWC2023-00053
0182517207011 R0104963 ROZALES VICTORIA REBECCA AND SCARPELLA DEBRA ANN Residential CEC2013-00541 RWC2023-00051
0182517207012 R0104964 ROZALES VICTORIA REBECCA AND SCARPELLA DEBRA ANN 3067 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP15-0330 BDP17-4464 BDP17-4890 BDP17-4895 RWC2023-00052 UTL2019-00304 VIO2000-22733 VIO2000-22734 VIO2000-22742 VIO2000-22743 VIO2016-03313 VIO2021-01218 VIO2021-03091

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