Showing 165261 - 165270 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517206003 R0104934 SANCHEZ DON RICARDO AND SANCHEZ KATHY SUE 3355 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP17-1900 VIO1998-9704 VIO1998-9705 VIO1999-17735 VIO1999-17736
0182517206004 R0104935 RUTLEDGE FRANK L AND RUTLEDGE NANCY L 3351 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP11-1024 BDP17-4971 BDP24-0493 CEC2012-00123 VIO1996-1933 VIO2000-22487 VIO2007-53727 VIO2008-59713 VIO2010-00511 VIO2010-01648 VIO2012-00733
0182517206008 R0104937 GEBERKIDANE ANNIKA 3291 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP10-0662 BDP10-0902 BDP10-3292 BDP17-4597 BDP23-1087 BDP23-2804
0182517206009 R0104938 JOHNSON JAMES B 3281 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP04-2330 BDP17-4598 VIO2002-32557 VIO2002-32558
0182517206010 R0104939 PRICE KATHRYN B AND STEIN ERICH 3279 W 54TH AVE Residential VIO1999-16344 VIO2015-01649
0182517206011 R0104940 DEVER CAROLYN J 3245 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP17-2968 CEC2013-00068 VIO2013-00125 VIO2013-00752
0182517206012 R0104941 LAMSON BETHANY HELAINE AND LATZKO STEFAN ANDREW 3241 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP14-2367 BDP17-0293 BDP17-2006 HST2010-01160
0182517206013 R0104942 CARNEAL MICHELLE GORDON 3181 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP03-1063 BDP10-1256 BDP14-0495 VIO2002-29557
0182517206015 R0104943 SHUNK CARL A AND SHUNK JUNG 5477 GROVE ST Residential UTL2018-00371 VIO1997-4388 VIO2015-01867 VIO2015-01868
0182517206016 R0104944 MILES LAUREN A 3110 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-4387 BDP17-5527 VIO2002-29281 VIO2002-29282 VIO2002-29283 VIO2009-60676 VIO2009-60677 VIO2010-00539 VIO2011-00590 VIO2011-00591 VIO2015-02550

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