Showing 165251 - 165260 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517205025 R0104926 HOEFLER MATTHEW G AND GOMEZ ROSA A 3589 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP02-1544 BDP02-1545 BDP02-1546 BDP08-1123 BDP18-3348 BDP20-3409 BDP22-0828 BDP24-2568 VIO1998-9870 VIO1999-14242 VIO1999-14681 VIO1999-17822 VIO2000-20030 VIO2000-20309 VIO2000-21653 VIO2000-22744 VIO2003-33819
0182517205026 R0104927 JDI PROPERTIES LLC 3579 W 54TH AVE Residential BDC03-00228 VIO1996-1960 VIO1996-2523 VIO1996-2524 VIO1999-14240 VIO1999-14241 VIO1999-17838 VIO1999-17839 VIO2000-20026 VIO2000-20027 VIO2000-20305 VIO2000-20306 VIO2000-20307 VIO2000-20308 VIO2000-22504 VIO2000-22505 VIO2000-22517 VIO2002-30038 VIO2002-30039 VIO2002-30040 VIO2002-30041 VIO2002-30042 VIO2002-30043 VIO2002-31702 VIO2002-31703 VIO2003-33317 VIO2003-33318 VIO2008-59812 VIO2008-59813 VIO2013-00531 VIO2014-00953
0182517205027 R0104928 AGUILAR-TORRES EDWIN 5411 JULIAN ST Residential BDP17-2082 CEC2013-00284 HST2010-00534 HST2010-00788 VIO1997-4392 VIO1998-9797 VIO1999-16465 VIO2001-27561 VIO2004-41712 VIO2006-48559 VIO2010-00909 VIO2014-00988
0182517205028 R0104929 KRUSE THERESA L 5421 JULIAN ST Residential BDP10-0773 BDP11-0786 CEC2015-00286 HST2010-00788 UTL2021-00615 VIO1999-17733 VIO2007-53716 VIO2016-02740 VIO2016-02801 VIO2019-01792 VIO2019-01793 VIO2020-00785 VIO2021-00590 VIO2023-01974 VIO2024-01577
0182517205029 R0104930 KRUSE THERESA L 5421 JULIAN ST Residential HST2010-00788 VIO2015-01291 VIO2016-02801 VIO2020-00151 VIO2020-00786 VIO2021-00591 VIO2022-00529 VIO2023-00188
0182517205030 R0104931 BASILE MATTHEW 5451 JULIAN ST Residential BDP17-2571 BDP17-2691 BDP17-2791 BDP18-5827 HST2010-00788 VIO1999-17734 VIO2002-29573 VIO2016-02741 VIO2023-00382
0182517205031 R0116923 LENZ JOSHUA D 3570 W 55TH AVE Residential 1998-197-AP ACC2024-00057 BDP06-1225 BDP06-1857 BDP10-3640 BDP15-2933 BDP24-0997 UTL2015-00168 VIO2007-53425 VIO2007-53426
0182517205032 R0116924 PANTON KELLY AND PANTON LYNN 3576 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP10-4289 BDP17-3683 PRE2007-00058 RWC2023-00068 UTL2019-00383 VIO2023-00200 VIO2023-03918
0182517206001 R0104932 BYINGTON ERIC PAUL AND TREES NATHALIA MARIE 3390 W 55TH AVE Residential 1953-052 BDP17-3002 BDP17-3003 BDP24-1549 PRE2022-00058
0182517206002 R0104933 RUBENKING CHERYL L 5420 JULIAN ST Residential BDP14-2591 BDP17-3268 BDP20-4054

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