Showing 165231 - 165240 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517204024 R0104906 BARKER STUART ESTATES III AND BARKER EMILY ELIZABETH 3425 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP07-1205 BDP11-2223 BDP17-2449 BDP21-0329 BDP24-3486 RWC2023-00067
0182517204025 R0109110 HOFF STEPHEN L AND HOFF MARY E 3525 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-2690 BDP99-02438 CEC2014-00221 RWC2023-00057
0182517205001 R0104907 MERRIMAN PAIGE REVOCABLE TRUST THE 5480 LOWELL BLVD Residential 1994-019-V BDP02-0493 BDP03-2685 BDP08-1133 BDP17-3564 BDP18-3703 BDP18-3801 BDP21-1315 BDP99-01593 RWC2011-00096 SWA2013-00621 VIO1999-17731 VIO2018-01761
0182517205002 R0104908 HODGES MARIE ROSE 5460 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP13-0894 VIO1999-17726 VIO2016-01703
0182517205003 R0104909 CAMPBELL JAMES C 5454 LOWELL BLVD Residential 1953-020 BDP09-1005 BDP17-3600
0182517205004 R0104910 RODRIGUEZ DARIN AND STROCK AUDREY 5440 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP11-0688 BDP21-0898 BDP21-1161 VIO1998-9871 VIO2004-39914 VIO2016-02107 VIO2018-00866 VIO2019-00855
0182517205005 R0104911 DOPKINS DALE A 5400 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP99-00353 RWC2011-00095 UTL2018-00432 VIO1997-7509 VIO1998-10095 VIO1998-9701 VIO1999-17862 VIO2001-24397 VIO2001-25746 VIO2001-25747 VIO2004-41836 VIO2004-41837 VIO2007-53753 VIO2007-53754
0182517205007 R0104912 CROCKER CHASE/KRUSE-CROCKER MICHELLE AND CROCKER BRANDON AND CROCKER DARRELL 3555 W 54TH AVE Residential BDC23-00150 BDC23-00151 BDP11-2292 BDP18-2137 VIO1998-9700 VIO2000-20025 VIO2000-21654 VIO2002-29633 VIO2003-33899 VIO2008-59811 VIO2023-04062
0182517205008 R0104913 AYERS RONALD P 3445 W 54TH AVE Residential BDL14-00040 BDP14-0258 BDP20-1248 VIO2003-35272
0182517205009 R0104914 SAXTON CHAD M AND PFAFF CALI ELIZABETH 3435 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP17-2350 BDP21-0933 BDP25-0371 PRE2023-00062 VIO2000-21410 VIO2007-53735 VSP2023-00029

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