Showing 165211 - 165220 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517203032 R0190742 TRAN KHOI M 3280 W 55TH PL Residential BDC19-00083 BDC21-00006 BDC21-00010 BDP17-3333 BDP21-0383 RWC2023-00078
0182517203033 R0190743 TRAN KHOI M 3260 W 55TH PL Residential BDC18-00105 BDC19-00048 BDP18-0514 BDP20-1417 ILD2018-00013 RWC2023-00079 UTL2017-00434
0182517203034 R0210692 W 55TH PL PROPERTIES LLC 3220 W 55TH PL Residential PRE2024-00032 PRE2025-00017 VIO2023-01783
0182517204003 R0104887 MORENO INVESTMENTS IV LLC 5508 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP11-2033 BDP17-2359 BDP18-1390 PRE2001-00011 UTL2020-00568 UTL2022-00107
0182517204004 R0104888 TORTORELLO MICHAEL 5500 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP17-1848 BDP17-2013 RWC2011-00097 UTL2023-00593
0182517204005 R0104889 COFFEY VICTOR L III AND GODINEZ EVANGELINE S 3555 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP08-1289 RWC2023-00062 VIO2007-55716
0182517204006 R0104890 HINZ CAITLIN AND HINZ MALLORY 3545 W 55TH AVE Residential BDL12-00093 BDP12-0505 BDP17-2370 RWC2023-00063 UTL2011-00296
0182517204007 R0104891 GEHLING ROBERT 3535 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-3632 BDP22-2367 RWC2023-00064 VIO2000-22527
0182517204009 R0104893 MONTOYA RICHARD S AND MONTOYA LINDA A 3445 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP07-1693 BDP17-5067 RWC2023-00065
0182517204010 R0104894 KACZMAREK THEODORE E 3435 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP00-00093 BDP08-0505 BDP17-4722 BDP18-5591 BDP21-0444 RWC2023-00066

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