Showing 165201 - 165210 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517203013 R0104874 SCHIEL TJALDA L 3245 W 55TH AVE Residential BDL07-00268 BDP07-0794 BDP14-2122 BDP17-1896
0182517203014 R0104875 CLEAR AVERY 3235 W 55TH AVE Residential 1953-081 BDP17-2169 UTL2022-00361 VIO2003-33919
0182517203015 R0104876 BUCKALLEW NICK AND BAUER KANDACE 3165 W 55TH AVE Residential A-88-74 BDP08-1153 BDP17-5850 BDP19-2570 BDP23-3165 HST2009-00347
0182517203020 R0104880 RYAN JAMES MARK BENJAMIN AND RYAN SUSAN ELIZABETH 3334 W 55TH PL Residential BDP17-4543 BDP18-2267 BDP18-2283 BDP18-2680 BDP18-4355 RWC2023-00076 SWA2013-00853
0182517203021 R0104881 KREBS KIRK T AND KREBS ANN M 3366 W 55TH PL Residential BDP09-1684 BDP15-3309 BDP17-4554 RWC2023-00075 SWA2013-00082 UTL2021-00512 VIO2005-43226 VIO2007-53432 VIO2016-01216 VIO2019-01366
0182517203025 R0104883 SMITH MYRNA LOU 3303 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP15-3406 BDP16-1503 BDP17-1935 BDP20-1663 ROW2001-00359 ROW2004-00445
0182517203028 R0104886 HELLWARTH BENJAMIN J AND GRAY MIKALIA A 3275 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP13-0807 BDP18-0871 BDP20-2455 BDP25-0508 BDP25-0670 SWA2025-00001
0182517203029 R0179993 HERRERA FRANK L AND HERRERA LLOYD LEWIS 5535 GROVE ST Residential
0182517203030 R0179994 NGUYEN THO DINH AND NGUYEN HOA TRAN 3123 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP19-3542 BDP20-1118 CEC2013-00519 VIO2013-00779 VIO2021-01046
0182517203031 R0190741 TRAN KHOI M 3300 W 55TH PL Residential BDC19-00049 BDP18-1108 BDP20-1419 RWC2023-00077 UTL2017-00435 UTL2021-00184 UTL2022-00116

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