Showing 165191 - 165200 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517202018 R0150322 BITTING PATRICK AND BITTING CHELSEA 3095 W 55TH AVE Residential BDC08-00080 BDL04-00017 BDP04-2087 BDP13-0085 BDP18-3224 HST2010-01081 UTL2022-00158 VIO2003-33910 VIO2003-34757 VIO2003-35987 VIO2003-35988 VIO2004-38121 VIO2004-42754 VIO2004-42755 VIO2007-53427 VIO2007-53428 VIO2007-55736 VIO2007-55737 VIO2008-59743 VIO2008-59744 VIO2009-62717 VIO2010-00497
0182517203001 R0104865 LANDRETH MISTY AND FARNEY MICHAEL 5540 JULIAN ST Residential CEC2013-00696 RWC2023-00002 UTL2021-00511 UTL2021-00550 VIO2000-20089 VIO2003-33907 VIO2013-01052 VIO2016-01215 VIO2019-00582
0182517203002 R0104866 CHISM STEPHEN WILLIAM 5520 JULIAN ST Residential BDC08-00041 BDP08-0331 BDP08-0353 BDP17-4741 BDP24-0537 RWC2023-00005 UTL2013-01716 UTL2024-00025 VIO1998-9527 VIO2000-20090 VIO2003-33906 VIO2004-41713 VIO2019-01616
0182517203003 R0104867 FRITZSPRACHE FAMILY TRUST 3395 W 55TH AVE Residential BDC04-00077 BDC04-00078 BDL04-00273 BDP04-0472 BDP04-1118 BDP06-1543 CEC2012-00354 CEC2013-00751 CEC2013-00865 PRE2004-00029 RWC2023-00006 VIO1997-4498 VIO1997-4499 VIO2000-20124 VIO2000-20125 VIO2002-29268 VIO2002-29269 VIO2003-34039 VIO2003-34040 VIO2004-41843 VIO2006-49520 VIO2006-49521 VIO2008-59732 VIO2008-59733 VIO2012-01218 VIO2013-01086 VIO2013-01129 VIO2017-01122 VIO2018-00700 VIO2019-01541 VIO2021-02342 VIO2021-03171
0182517203004 R0104868 REZAC RANDY L 3375 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-2122 ROW2001-00361 RWC2023-00074 VIO2001-25830 VIO2004-38737 VIO2005-43223 VIO2005-46279 VIO2005-46795 VIO2005-46796 VIO2005-46797 VIO2005-46874 VIO2005-46875 VIO2007-53710 VIO2012-00938 VIO2012-00956 VIO2014-00181 VIO2019-01018
0182517203005 R0104869 KREBS JAY E AND KREBS CYNTHIA L 3365 W 55TH AVE Residential 1954-003 BDP17-2147 BDP17-2148 INF2011-00016 VIO2022-00485
0182517203006 R0104870 CAMPBELL ROBERT D AND CAMPBELL TIFFANY G 3341 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-4347 ROW2001-00360
0182517203007 R0104871 ALBER BRAD JACOB AND ALBER SARAH ANNE 3323 W 55TH AVE Residential 1952-035 BDP17-1904
0182517203009 R0104872 STEINBRONN MICHELLE L 3285 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP18-0423 BDP19-0066 BDP99-01992 ROW2001-00358
0182517203012 R0104873 HORTON CHARLOTTE AND DUVALL CASEY 3255 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP07-0970 BDP17-2423 UTL2013-00374 UTL2017-00410

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