Showing 165171 - 165180 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517119008 R0217185 VARGAS JOSE AND RATAZAK CATHRYN 5262 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDP23-3815 BDP24-0033
0182517119009 R0217186 REDT CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC 5252 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDP23-3814 BDP23-3892
0182517119010 R0217187 REDT CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC 5242 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDP23-3962
0182517119011 R0217188 REDT CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC 5232 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDP23-3963
0182517119012 R0217189 REDT CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC Residential
0182517201005 R0104844 PARK ADVISORS INC 5565 FEDERAL BLVD Residential BDP16-2592 BDP18-3063 BDP18-6233 ILD2017-00009 UTL2018-00354 UTL2021-00163 VIO2016-02803 VIO2017-01145
0182517201006 R0104845 PARK ADVISORS INC 5565 FEDERAL BLVD Residential 1992-035-C-A 1993-023-T BDC06-00310 BDC07-00091 BDC07-00261 BDC07-00285 BDC11-00055 BDC11-00147 BDC13-00097 BDC15-00132 BDL06-00494 BDL06-00809 BDL06-00826 BDL07-00055 BDL07-00435 BDL08-00272 BDL08-00416 BDL08-00480 BDL11-00341 BDP01-00803 BDP06-1044 BDP07-0103 BDP08-0144 BDP10-0560 BDP11-0045 BDP11-0306 BDP11-0392 BDP11-1986 BDP11-2106 BDP12-0503 BDP15-2239 BDP15-2595 BDP25-0622 ILD2017-00039 M00-0014 M00-0025 M00-0069 MDP03-0012 VIO1996-2568 VIO1996-2569 VIO2008-60118 VIO2008-60119 VIO2011-00881 VSP2006-00026
0182517201007 R0104846 WROCK LLC Residential SWA2013-00590
0182517201009 R0104848 WROCK LLC 5555 FEDERAL BLVD Residential BDC03-00006 BDL14-01230 BDP13-1478 BDP14-2776 SGN1973-232 SGN1997-65 VIO1997-4800 VIO1997-4801 VIO2019-01563 VIO2019-01564
0182517201012 R0104849 MC CLINTOCK NORMA E Residential

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