Showing 165151 - 165160 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517116007 R0104823 NANCE JACQUELYN AND NANCE RICHARD 5395 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP07-1278 BDP17-4863 BDP17-5095 BDP22-0557 ROW2007-00208 VIO2023-01059
0182517116008 R0104824 ROBERT WAYNE GALLEGOS REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 5342 PRIMROSE LN Residential BDP17-3076 BDP21-2035 BDP23-1636 HST2010-00777 UTL2012-00309 VIO2007-53622 VIO2020-00854
0182517116009 R0104825 GUMPER JULIA L AND GENEREUX MARTIN J 5311 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP17-1708 BDP20-1109 HST2010-00777 UTL2014-00564 VIO2021-03589
0182517116010 R0145129 JORDAN ELIZABETH GRACE AND GERME THOMAS RAYMOND MICHEL 5350 PRIMROSE LN Residential BDP17-4943 PLT2002-00014 UTL2023-00107
0182517116011 R0145130 ZURITA MARQUEZ JUAN FERNANDO AND REYES RODRIGUEZ LUCERO LILIANA 5333 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP02-1067 BDP17-3005 BDP18-5095 PLT2002-00014
0182517117003 R0104827 LATZKO STEFAN ANDREW AND LATZKO BETHANY 2901 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP17-2419 VIO2003-34017
0182517117005 R0104829 ARRIETA ESTHER E 2891 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP07-0880 BDP16-4877 BDP99-00854 CEC2015-00027 UTL2021-00278 UTL2021-00283 VIO2003-34016 VIO2015-00164 VIO2016-00971 VIO2016-00988 VIO2016-02497 VIO2019-01992
0182517117006 R0104830 BUSCARELLO DANIEL 2871 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP17-4537 HST2009-00264 VIO2000-20054 VIO2000-20055 VIO2001-24026 VIO2001-24027 VIO2001-24028 VIO2001-24029 VIO2001-24030 VIO2001-24031 VIO2001-24032 VIO2001-24033 VIO2006-49838 VIO2006-49839 VIO2016-00970 VIO2016-02495 VIO2016-02496 VIO2020-01131
0182517117007 R0104831 BENSON ERIK S 5331 PRIMROSE LN Residential 1953-085 BDP14-0054 BDP17-2120 BDP18-2833
0182517117008 R0104832 LAMONTAGNE MICHAEL TODD 5341 PRIMROSE LN Residential BDP13-0321 BDP17-3597 UTL2022-00406 VIO1998-10808 VIO1998-10809 VIO2007-53624 VIO2011-00778 VIO2019-02066 VIO2020-00757 VIO2021-01183

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