Showing 165131 - 165140 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517113023 R0104800 ROMERO MARLENE E AND ROMERO DENNIS A 5308 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDP99-02888 UTL2025-00113
0182517113024 R0104801 PURK PROPERTIES LLC 5320 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDP17-2127 UTL2022-00207
0182517113026 R0104803 VROOMAN CHRISTINA E 5340 ROSEMARY LN Residential BDP17-2807 BDP18-0777 BDP23-3979 ILD2016-00183
0182517113027 R0104804 VILLALVA DAVID AND VILLALVA LORRAINE B 5350 ROSEMARY LN Residential BDP17-2929 BDP20-3990 SWA2013-00356
0182517113028 R0150454 SOLANO ROBERT D 5312 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDC08-00135 CEC2014-00229 VIO2014-00688 VIO2018-00605 VIO2019-00309
0182517115001 R0104807 CLARK RICHARD G AND MC BRIDE LAURA JEAN 5410 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDC08-00159 BDC23-00042 BDL08-00201 BDL08-00500 BDP04-1116 BDP08-0623 BDP08-0691 BDP08-1410 BDP08-1419 BDP08-1420 BDP08-1564 BDP10-4673 BDP17-2097
0182517115002 R0104808 HCI PROPERTIES LLC 5396 COLUMBINE RD Residential BDP08-0602 BDP17-1889 BDP19-3316 CSI2010-00015 PRE2018-00080 VIO2007-53616 VIO2007-53617 VIO2010-01198 VIO2012-00077 VSP2018-00038
0182517115006 R0104809 GARCIA QUIROZ JOSUE ANTONIO AND ALLEN DESTINY NATASHA 5321 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDC09-00010 BDL09-00022 BDP00-02840 BDP01-00189 BDP09-0076 BDP09-0888 BDP17-3838 BDP17-5413 BDP99-02634 CEC2014-00230 CEC2015-00259 VIO2003-34015 VIO2014-00713 VIO2015-01288 VSP2009-00025
0182517115007 R0104810 THE VIRGINIA E GONZALES TRUST 5341 COLUMBINE LN Residential BDC09-00046 BDP05-2022 BDP09-1010 BDP17-2858 VSP2009-00022
0182517115008 R0104811 OCHOA JOSE LUIS 5351 COLUMBINE LN Residential CEC2015-00260 VIO2015-01289

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