Showing 165081 - 165090 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517109009 R0104750 REVELES JENIFER ROBIN 5410 ALCOTT ST Residential BDC10-00029 BDL08-00477 VIO2004-39351 VIO2006-49000 VIO2006-49755 VIO2006-50572 VIO2007-53672 VIO2008-57293 VIO2014-00488 VIO2021-03121
0182517109010 R0104751 EBNER DAVID G Residential HST2010-00771
0182517109011 R0104752 CASTILLO VICENTE LUIS AND CASTILLO DOLORES 2421 W 54TH AVE Residential BDL14-00408 BDP05-0728 BDP14-0886 BDP17-2239 HST2010-00771 VIO2014-00485 VIO2015-02979 VIO2016-01136 VIO2016-01138
0182517109013 R0104754 CHILDERS BRICE 5431 ZUNI ST Residential BDC20-00017 BDP06-0712 BDP20-0425 BDP20-1179 ROW2001-00074 VIO2006-50049
0182517109014 R0104755 JBG III XFT 5441 ZUNI ST Residential BDP15-0506 BDP24-0393 CEC2013-00586 HST2010-00771 ROW2001-00074 VIO2001-25226 VIO2002-29670 VIO2002-29671 VIO2006-50050 VIO2007-53662 VIO2013-01276
0182517109015 R0104756 J & J LLC 5451 ZUNI ST Residential ACC2023-00046 BDP16-2361 BDP17-3378 HST2010-00771 UTL2023-00204 VIO2001-25227 VIO2001-25228 VIO2004-39976 VIO2004-39977 VIO2008-57575 VIO2008-57576 VIO2008-57598 VIO2008-57599 VIO2008-57600 VIO2008-57611 VIO2008-57612 VIO2016-00380
0182517109016 R0104757 BAIR CODI MARIE 5461 ZUNI ST Residential BDP02-0060 BDP07-1428 BDP19-2406 BDP19-2461 HST2010-00771 VIO1996-3737 VIO1998-10337 VIO2001-25221 VIO2024-01564
0182517109017 R0104758 LAW SHEENA AND MARTINEZ NICHOLAS L 5471 ZUNI ST Residential BDP20-0265 BDP24-3005 HST2010-00771 VIO1996-3738 VIO1998-10338
0182517109018 R0104759 MATOS ALDO M AND MATOS MARIA R 5481 ZUNI ST Residential HST2010-00771
0182517109020 R0104760 ESCALERA GUSTAVO 2452 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP02-2439 BDP05-0825 BDP99-03084 HST2010-00771 VIO1997-7361 VIO1998-13507

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