Showing 164941 - 164950 of 165791 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517103119 R0224320 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5529 DECATUR CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103120 R0224321 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5521 DECATUR CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103121 R0224322 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5517 DECATUR CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103122 R0224323 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5511 DECATUR CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103123 R0224324 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5500 ELM CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103124 R0224325 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5506 ELM CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103125 R0224326 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5514 ELM CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103126 R0224327 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5520 ELM CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103127 R0224328 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5528 ELM CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103128 R0224329 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 5536 ELM CT Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003

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