Showing 164881 - 164890 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517103042 R0104658 HERNANDEZ MIGUEL MADRID 5569 CLAY ST Residential BDC08-00126 CEC2013-00785 CEC2013-00870 RWC2010-00289 UTL2020-00458 UTL2022-00110 VIO2001-27563 VIO2002-30852 VIO2003-33924 VIO2006-49369 VIO2006-49380 VIO2013-01250 VIO2018-01476 VIO2024-01076
0182517103054 R0104665 MENDIOLA JESUS 2892 W 56TH AVE Residential BDC09-00181 HST2010-01216 RWC2010-00282 UTL2012-00053 VIO2006-49743 VIO2007-55725 VIO2009-61287 VIO2009-62228 VIO2009-62999 VIO2010-00011 VIO2016-03271
0182517103055 R0104666 GARCIA GOMEZ BLANCA 2886 W 56TH AVE Residential RWC2010-00283 VIO2003-33913 VIO2003-33925 VIO2021-02947
0182517103058 R0188109 RIVAS RAMIRO AND RIVAS BRAYAN 2837 W 55TH AVE Residential VIO2024-01579
0182517103059 R0201323 MURRAY ROSE LEE 2867 W 55TH AVE Residential
0182517103060 R0201324 MURRAY ROSE LEE 2857 W 55TH AVE Residential
0182517103062 R0209136 MAVERIK INC Residential
0182517103065 R0224266 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 2912 W 56TH AVE Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103066 R0224267 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 2906 W 56TH AVE Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 VSP2025-00003
0182517103067 R0224268 TH BERKELEY VILLAS LLC 2900 W 56TH AVE Residential PLN2024-00007 PLT2025-00001 USE2024-00026 UTL2024-00448 VSP2025-00003

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