Showing 164821 - 164830 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182517101008 R0104591 JONES MARK C AND JONES REBECCA J 2471 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-1787 BDP21-2517 BDP23-3196 ROW2006-00307 VIO1999-17035 VIO2007-53657 VIO2007-53658 VIO2008-58095 VIO2008-58096 VIO2009-61292 VIO2009-61293 VIO2013-00501
0182517101009 R0104592 VETTER BARBARA 2461 W 55TH AVE Residential VIO2022-01227
0182517101010 R0104593 TAUB BRIAN 2451 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP00-01750 BDP01-00885 BDP04-0325 BDP21-0914 BDP22-1160 ROW2006-00278 VIO1999-19241 VIO2017-00114
0182517101014 R0104594 ARCHULETA LYNN AND ARCHULETA RICHARD 5515 ZUNI ST Residential BDP10-1122 BDP11-1970 UTL2015-00019 UTL2023-00359 VIO2000-21408 VIO2000-21416 VIO2001-25505 VIO2002-30847 VIO2003-33244 VIO2021-02510 VIO2023-00140
0182517101018 R0104595 MOORE MARIN R AND GRISWOLD MATTHEW B 5555 ZUNI ST Residential BDL13-00298 BDP07-0734 BDP08-1209 BDP09-2238 BDP13-0991 BDP17-4047 BDP21-2601 BDP21-2951 UTL2020-00156 VSP2013-00007
0182517101019 R0104596 THWAITES REAL ESTATE LLC 5581 ZUNI ST #A Residential BDC10-00054 BDP00-00442 BDP10-0477 BDP10-0485 BDP17-1893 BDP17-2076 BDP17-4344 BDP19-1784 BDP19-1898 BDP19-2589 BDP19-3053
0182517101029 R0104599 HOLGUIN ERASMO 2456 W 56TH AVE Residential BDP08-1467 BDP18-6149 VIO2000-21539 VIO2000-21540 VIO2022-01938 VIO2023-03802 VIO2023-03853
0182517101031 R0104601 MACHMULLER DREW D 5550 ALCOTT ST Residential BDP02-2497 BDP20-3022 VIO2002-29687 VIO2007-53634 VIO2009-61299
0182517101033 R0104602 DURAN ANTHONY A AND DURAN JOANN A 5545 ZUNI ST Residential
0182517101036 R0170483 AG INC 2441 W 55TH AVE Residential BDC11-00105 BDP11-1329 VIO2007-54474 VIO2010-02090 VIO2011-02238 VIO2016-00611 VIO2024-00767

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