Showing 164801 - 164810 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516229004 R0167058 NOCIFERA MARIO 1929 W 52ND PL Residential 1972-079-Z BDL10-00390 BDP10-3975 BDP17-0444 BDP17-4465 VIO2009-62867 VIO2022-00756 VIO2022-01534 VIO2023-01112
0182516229005 R0167057 HOPKINS PAUL WILLIAM 1909 W 52ND PL Residential 1972-079-Z BDL11-00041 BDP11-0380 BDP17-0840 BDP17-2873 BDP17-6018 CLV2011-00017
0182516229006 R0167055 CASAUS ANNE J 5255 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL10-00248 BDP10-1999 BDP17-2812 BDP17-2996 BDP23-2045 CLV2010-00055
0182516229007 R0167053 COOLER EDWARD AND WINCHIP JACQUELINE KAY 5265 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL10-00274 BDP10-2560 CLV2010-00062 VIO2024-00958
0182516229008 R0167051 RODRIGUEZ BEATRICE MICHELLE 5275 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL10-00323 BDP10-3280 BDP17-3148 BDP19-1081 BDP23-2122 CLV2010-00063 INF2010-00038
0182516229009 R0167049 SIMPSON SHON 5285 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL06-00740 BDP06-1573 BDP06-1953 BDP07-0302 BDP17-3489
0182516229010 R0167047 BAIK LINDA AND KIRK SHANE C 5305 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL11-00042 BDP11-0379 BDP16-1872 BDP17-2074 BDP21-1153 BDP23-4183 CLV2011-00016
0182516229011 R0167045 MILLER NICOLAS JUAN AND MILLER JAMIE V 5315 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL07-00315 BDP07-0944 BDP09-2098 BDP17-5252
0182516229012 R0167043 BARELA MARIO M AND HERNANDEZ ROBERTA L 5325 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL10-00322 BDP10-3281 BDP17-3186 CLV2010-00064
0182516229013 R0167044 GIEBEL RYAN AND GIEBEL SUNAINA KUMAR 5320 RARITAN WAY Residential BDL07-00608 BDP07-1538 BDP08-0332 BDP17-2161

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