Showing 164791 - 164800 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516228021 R0104580 PARKER MICHAEL C AND PARKER LINDA KAY 2252 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-2023 UTL2020-00052
0182516228022 R0104581 2272 W 55TH AVE LLC 2272 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-2878 VIO1997-3868 VIO2006-49760
0182516228023 R0104582 MARTINEZ JAMES DANIEL 2292 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP02-2021 BDP17-2673 VIO1997-3869
0182516228024 R0104583 LEQUIRE CHRISTIANNA DORIS 2312 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP10-1064 ILD2017-00015
0182516228025 R0104584 PAYAN ALMA R 2332 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP09-2106 BDP14-2545 BDP17-3231 BDP17-3786
0182516228026 R0104585 PERALES RAFAEL 2352 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-2482 VIO2006-50063 VIO2007-53872 VIO2007-53873
0182516228027 R0104586 MARTINEZ FRANCISCO R 2372 W 55TH AVE Residential BDP17-2535 UTL2024-00295 VIO1997-3870 VIO1997-7360 VIO2004-39958 VIO2007-54476 VIO2016-00610
0182516229001 R0167061 JOHNSON PETER D 5310 TEJON ST Residential BDL10-00273 BDP10-2559 BDP17-4094 BDP20-1574 CLV2010-00068 UTL2010-00274 UTL2023-00370 VIO2009-62870 VIO2010-01045 VIO2024-00572
0182516229002 R0167060 MARTINEZ TONY JOE AND MARTINEZ DARLENE M 1979 W 52ND PL Residential 1972-079-Z BDL10-00044 BDL10-00179 BDP10-0684 BDP10-1120 BDP20-2708 BDP24-4149 CLV2010-00023 VIO2009-62869 VIO2019-01095
0182516229003 R0167059 DAY ELIZABETH 1949 W 52ND PL Residential 1972-079-Z BDC10-00036 BDL10-00043 BDP10-0809 BDP11-0529 BDP17-4463 BDP21-1179 CLV2010-00022 VIO2009-62868

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