Showing 164751 - 164760 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516226112 R0190992 BARTON T OLSON TRUST 1653 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-1901
0182516226113 R0190993 CEWLY LLC 1650 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-2404 BDP19-2475
0182516226114 R0190994 SAFILIAN THOMAS 1662 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-2405 BDP19-2472
0182516226115 R0190995 REHAK LISA 1670 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-2390 BDP19-2474
0182516226116 R0190996 KLEIN ALYSSA RENEE 1682 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-2393 BDP19-2478 VIO2018-01691
0182516226117 R0190997 SMITH BRUCE A LIVING TRUST AND SMITH SUSAN M LIVING TRUST 1702 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2983 BDP18-5440
0182516226118 R0190998 YAN RACHEL 1710 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2984 BDP18-5441
0182516226119 R0190999 WILLIAMS KEVIN DEREK 1722 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2450 BDP18-5444
0182516226120 R0191000 PIER JESSICA 1730 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2451 BDP18-5448
0182516226121 R0191001 AGHO OSE A AND AGHO AUGUSTINE O 1742 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2453 BDP18-5450

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