Showing 164741 - 164750 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516226101 R0183410 EVASICK SAMUEL P 1750 W 53RD PL #5 Residential
0182516226103 R0190983 GONZALES VALERIE 1759 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2155 BDP18-2580
0182516226104 R0190984 MULADORE LI LI MULADORE LOGAN R 1753 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2154
0182516226105 R0190985 EVERIN SARA A 1741 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2153 UTL2018-00084
0182516226106 R0190986 GRAY MICHAEL L 1733 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2197 BDP18-3952
0182516226107 R0190987 GRIMMER SAMUEL S 1721 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2195 BDP18-3950
0182516226108 R0190988 STONE CRAIG E 1713 W 52ND CT Residential BDP17-2194 BDP18-3949
0182516226109 R0190989 GUNN TAD 1681 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-1900
0182516226110 R0190990 FIRST GROWTH LLC 1673 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-1891
0182516226111 R0190991 SCHOOLER CHELSEA 1661 W 52ND CT Residential BDP18-1903

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