Showing 164721 - 164730 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516226076 R0165001 BURNS KYLE 5295 QUIVAS ST #5 Residential
0182516226077 R0165004 BARONIAN FAMILY LIVING TRUST 5295 QUIVAS ST #8 Residential BDP23-2009
0182516226078 R0164997 GOLDBERG RANDI S 5295 QUIVAS ST #1 Residential
0182516226079 R0165000 BLEA GEORGE AND BLEA NANCY 5295 QUIVAS ST #4 Residential BDP19-1993 BDP19-2082
0182516226081 R0169158 HERRERA HELEN M 5281 PECOS ST Residential BDP00-01207 BDP09-2284 BDP99-02213 CEC2015-00904 RWC2021-00080 VIO2011-01940
0182516226082 R0173455 VIGIL JENNIE REBECCA 5318 QUIVAS ST Residential
0182516226083 R0173454 CULLEN TINA RODRIGUEZ 5316 QUIVAS ST Residential BDP20-1404 BDP21-0909
0182516226084 R0173453 O ROURKE NIALL G 5314 QUIVAS ST Residential VIO2009-61711
0182516226085 R0173452 KY KRUY JR 5312 QUIVAS ST Residential
0182516226089 R0181045 NEWBERRY JANICE 1777 W 52ND CT Residential

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