Showing 164691 - 164700 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516226043 R0155853 GILLESPIE GARRET 5340 RARITAN ST #7 Residential BDP19-0689 BDP19-0690
0182516226044 R0155854 TURNER REBECCA M AND TURNER JEFFREY S 5340 RARITAN ST #8 Residential BDP17-4589
0182516226046 R0155931 NEGOMIR JOHN M AND FOURIE ANDRE 1731 W 53RD PL #1 Residential
0182516226047 R0155932 KUETTEL KATHRYN AND KUETTEL ROBERT 1731 W 53RD PL #2 Residential
0182516226048 R0155933 TAMMAM AMY 1731 W 53RD PL #3 Residential
0182516226049 R0155934 FOURIE PROPERTIES LLC 1731 W 53RD PL #4 Residential
0182516226050 R0155935 MARTINEZ LONNIE G 1731 W 53RD PL #5-E Residential
0182516226051 R0155936 HARTSOCK STEVEN JAMES AND ANDRUS KATE RENEE HARTSOCK 1731 W 53RD PL #6 Residential
0182516226052 R0155937 NEGOMIR JOHN M AND NEGOMIR TAMARA 1731 W 53RD PL #7 Residential
0182516226053 R0155938 GROZNY STANISLAV 1731 W 53RD PL #8 Residential

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