Showing 164681 - 164690 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516226027 R0154514 DE POURBAIX MICHAL AND DE POURBAIX ELIZABETH 1740 W 53RD DR #7 Residential
0182516226028 R0154515 MORALES ELISA B AND GONZALEZ JORGE A 1740 W 53RD DR #8 Residential
0182516226034 R0155743 BAUMGARDNER BRIAN ALLEN 5261 PECOS ST Residential BDP17-1927 CEC2015-00906 RWC2021-00078 UTL2009-00099 UTL2018-00529 VIO2015-02586
0182516226035 R0155744 STRAIGHT UP ENTERPRISES LLC 5271 PECOS ST Residential BDP17-4471 CEC2015-00905 CLV2013-00022 RWC2021-00079 UTL2016-00510 VIO2015-02585 VIO2017-00322
0182516226037 R0155847 PRETSCH KELLY 5340 RARITAN ST #1C Residential BDI17-0013 BDP17-3180 BDP17-4586 BDP17-5838
0182516226038 R0155848 DURAN CONCEPTION SUSIE 5340 RARITAN ST #2 Residential
0182516226039 R0155849 NEGOMIR JOHN M AND NEGOMIR TAMARA 5340 RARITAN ST #3 Residential
0182516226040 R0155850 ARCE RYAN 5340 RARITAN ST #4 Residential BDP17-4587
0182516226041 R0155851 HERRE MARTIN 5340 RARITAN ST #5-C Residential BDP17-4588
0182516226042 R0155852 RARITAN 6 LLC 5340 RARITAN ST #6 Residential

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