Showing 164641 - 164650 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516223011 R0104510 SALEH JOSEFA AND SALEH CLAUDETTE 2062 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP09-1281 BDP11-0469 BDP17-2408 BDP18-4897 BDP22-2710 BDP22-2767
0182516223012 R0104511 SANDOVAL GABRIEL J AND DECAMILLIS JESSICA 2082 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP17-3867
0182516223018 R0104512 WILLCOX JOHN E 2040 W 53RD AVE Residential 1993-112-V 1993-149-AP BDC03-00331 BDC03-00343 BDL03-00867 BDL03-00936 BDP00-00940 BDP03-2415 BDP03-2515 BDP09-0818 BDP16-2149 BDP16-2473 BDP17-5673 UTL2019-00362 VIO1998-13153 VIO2000-21127 VIO2000-21128
0182516223019 R0104513 HANSEN SHANNON C AND HUGHES PATRICK 5281 TEJON ST Residential 1952-003 1993-112-V 1993-149-AP BDC13-00034 BDC13-00078 BDL13-00146 BDL13-00421 BDP08-0461 BDP13-0212 BDP13-0543 BDP23-4057 VIO2002-28828 VIO2004-42108 VIO2005-45247 VIO2005-46001 VIO2006-47000 VIO2006-47612 VIO2006-47976 VIO2006-49683 VIO2007-54472 VIO2007-55732 VIO2009-61337 VIO2010-00905 VIO2013-00530
0182516223020 R0104514 HELLER PHILIP J 5271 TEJON ST Residential 1993-149-AP BDP08-0398 BDP23-1839 UTL2013-01821 VIO2003-35286 VIO2005-46121 VIO2006-47977 VIO2006-50575 VIO2009-61336 VIO2013-00535
0182516224001 R0104515 RODRIGUEZ EMMANUEL J AND RODRIGUEZ VERONICA M Residential VIO1996-2353 VIO1998-12515 VIO1999-14129 VIO1999-14130 VIO2000-21497 VIO2000-21498 VIO2014-01140 VIO2016-00963 VIO2021-02246
0182516224002 R0104516 SZAKACS AMANDA JOY 2181 W 52ND AVE Residential BDP12-1381 BDP17-3907 UTL2024-00473
0182516224003 R0104517 CARABETTA PATRICIA A 2161 W 52ND AVE Residential BDP08-1170 BDP12-0250 BDP17-5468
0182516224004 R0104518 COPITHORN RHODES BENNETT AND COPITHORN BRITTANY NICOLE 2141 W 52ND AVE Residential BDL04-01062 BDP04-2178 UTL2024-00475 VIO2006-48577
0182516224005 R0104519 ESQUIVEL RUSSELL J 2121 W 52ND AVE Residential BDP20-2714 VIO1997-5214

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